- twenty

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i have never been on a date. i got ice cream with cameron one time but we stayed in the car and then fucked in the backseat so i don't like to think of that as one.

benji was keeping everything so secret and i thought it was adorable. i didn't know where we were going or when i just new it was today. November 28th. i decided to pick up my phone and try to sneak a little more info out of him.

"hey babygirl." he answered. i smiled grabbing my pillow.

"i have a question babe." i bite my lip.

"what is it?" he asks. "what should i wear?" i ask.

"whatever you wanna wear." he says.

"i know that but like fancy or casual or bummy. i'm not tryna go to a fancy restaurant in sweatpants."

"okay fine. how about casual but still hot as hell." he explains.

"that helps. thank you ben." i smile.

"i'll see you at six hun."

"see you at six." he hangs up and i fall back sighing. i'm too hype.

i tapped my foot biting my lip softly waiting for benji to pull up. the wind was breezing through the holes in my jeans giving me goosebumps.

i kicked my feet lightly on the porch waiting for him to pull up. i'm not gonna lie i was kinda nervous. i've had a crush on someone i was so close to for years and the last thing i wanted to do was fuck it all up. i wanted this to go perfect. he's fucking perfect.

a car horn knocked me out of my trance and i looked up to see benji's car. i smiled stepping off the porch.

"shit wait." he said getting out of the drivers side quickly running over to my door. "i'm supposed to do this correctly."

i couldn't help but flash the biggest smile. "thank you handsome." i say kissing him lightly. "you look so beautiful." he follows up with.

"i'm in jeans and a long sleeve." i laugh climbing into his passenger seat.

"yeah and what about it?" he closes my door so he doesn't have to hear my response and returns to the drivers seat.

"where to?" i ask.

"you'll see."

the drive was calm and music filled. i don't know when but me and benjis hands found their way to each other over the gear shift. i watched him move both of our hands from drive to park. letting go of mine turning off the car.

i always feel a little empty every time he lets me go. but when he grabs me again everything is okay. he got out of the car and before i could open my door following him he jogged to the other side grabbing it out of my hands.

"you know i can open my own door." i say stepping out of the car benjis hand helping me.

"yes, but you shouldn't have to." he kisses me on the forehead as i get out and i felt his arm snake around my waist.

"okay it's kind of a walk and it's kinda dark so be careful and stay with me." he explains making me smile. he really planned this out. i kept my hand in his following his steps over dark sticks and leaves and little holes in the ground. i could tell he kept looking back to me every once in a while but i kept my vision on our feet trying to be careful.

before i realized we had made it to his little set up. it was a large blanket on the ground i surrounded my candles with two small pizza boxes and a cooler. it all faced an overlook if the vegas strip covered in bright lights and above us was tons of stars.

"thank you benji." i already thank him wrapping my arms around him tightly. "anything for you babygirl." he responds.

he took his hand in mine and led me to the blanket. i sat down next to him and he passed me a blanket from under the cooler i wrapped it around my shoulders. the nights get really cold in november. he placed a pizza box infront of me and i was faced with a personal sized pineapple pizza.

"i know pineapple is your favorite cause you're weird." he said opening his revealing a supreme pizza. "gross." i chuckle.

"what?" he asks.

"i don't like sausage." i laugh pulling apart a slice of pizza.

"you like my sausage." he smirks.

"gross benji. gross." hit his arm.

mac demarco played quietly on my phone. his arms felt so familiar around me as i leaned my back on him and his leaned on a tree behind us. up above were scarce stars towering over bright city lights.

"those eyes make your lights look crazy beautiful." he said.

"this was a nice first date benji." i say moving my eyes from the lights to him to find him staring back at me.

"it's not over yet."

april 1, 2020
885 words

i'm sorry once again. i wasn't gonna say it but my birth control had me feeling really depressed and i almost ended it. but i'm okay i'm on different pills i'm doing fine thank you for the support.

d ☁️

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