The new job

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The next day you woke up bright and early to get ready for your new job, it was going to be the  first day dealing with a job that didn't require you to touch bags of organs and most importantly it was going be the first time you weren't going to get yelled at by a certain ill tempered employee (*cough cough* Luigi) . You went to your dresser and rummaged through your dresser for something decent to wear for your first day , you eventually pick out : a pair of black lace legging , black skirt and a crimson off the shoulder top . You change into them , discarding your pyjamas on your bed and going to the kitchen for some breakfast.

Heading over to the fridge you look through your fridge and take out a plastic container that had some leftover donuts in it , you then make yourself some coffee and go to sit down at the couch with your "Breakfast". Switching on the TV you see the news come on as the news anchor man begins to talk about how the Grave-robber had finally been caught for grave robbing cemeteries  . You sigh and roll your eyes as you switch the Chanel to some old fashion cartoons and continue to eat your break fast. Soon as you finished you got yourself cleaned up and then headed straight out the door for Megs make up tent.

You walked down the sidewalk and you had to admit it felt kind of strange to you since you were no long heading to Genco  for work. But you were still pretty exited for first day of being an make up artist . While heading to work you saw Pavi's limo driving by and you could see Pavi inside it, he was looking pretty depressed and miserable by the looks of him . After all it was also going to be the first time you and Pavi wouldn't be around each other anymore , it kind of made you feel a little upset inside as well . You soon arrive at Megs tent which was just outside of the theatre and slowly walked inside to see Meg sitting her make up chair looking her self over in the mirror " oh good you came" she says as she turns around to face you " alright so your job will be to help me with my makeup before the show begins , oh and you job comes with perks . You'll get see all my performances for free along with free lunch and drinks. My performances starts at 10Am so you'll have at least half an hour to get my make up done" she informs you "alright , lets get started then" you reply to her .

You walk over to the huge silver make up cases that were standing beside the make up table and open it up to get over whelmed by the over abundance of all the different eyes shadow, lip sticks and other kinds of makeup . You start by picking out some dark purple and black eye shadow and begin to apply it to her eyes , blending it together give it a Smokey look . Then you took out some violet coloured lip stick and proceeded to apply it her lips . You then begin do some detailing by adding eyeliner to her eyes and some black and silver gems as well . Once her eyes and lips were done you gave her some lip pink blush and contour to her cheek and cheek bones and finally topped her make up off with her usual big and dramatic false lashes "there all finished" you tell her. She looks herself in the mirror as you waited for her response to your first time doing her makeup , she begins to smile, impressed by your work "it very interesting, I like it. Well done um...." she begins to says "(y/n)" you give her your name .

She face palms herself " oh yes of course, sorry I completely forgot to ask your name. Well done (y/n) I look forward to seeing your other ideas for make up. Now since that I technically only have one look per a concert , you'll have to do my makeup once day but I would like if you could do touch up every now and then . Other that you just need to sit back and enjoy the show until need alright " she informs you. The stage manager then peaks into the tent and looks at you both "Meg it time " he informs her "alright, lets get this done" she says , you both then leave the tent and Meg leads you into the theatre . Megs goes to the stage while you are led to your private viewing seat , you take your seat and a waiter bring you a wine glass with (favourite drink) inside it "thank you" you tell the waiter as you take the glass and sip it as you enjoy the show........(to be continued)

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