Chapter 17:

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Brinley's POV:
1 month before the wedding:

Bella walks over to me and says, "Why won't you help with the wedding planning? It's not like you have anyhting better to do."

I smirk and say, "Sweethearts go see Daddy outside. Mommy's a bit pissed off right now and you definitely don't need to see Mom kick her sorry ass."

They giggle and run off to their dad and I say, "Those little angels are the best thing in my life, especially when you didn't care that no one around here can watch half vampire children when I had to save your sorry ass and pratically did all the work! All you did was sit on your lazy ass gazing at two of the most unattractive people in the world."

Bella raised her hand and slapped me and I held back when I slapped her back and say deathly calm, "Be grateful I held back and don't you ever touch me again."

She gulps in fear and Jasper runs to my side and tries to calm my seething anger and Bella screams at him, "Why didn't anyone stop her from slapping me?"

I smirk and Jasper kisses my neck and I calm and Rosalie says, "One. You deserved it for being so apathetic towards her. Two. She's right. You didn't care about what she's going through and trying to find someone to watch them. Three. She told her father about us and those kids after the battle and not even knowing if she would make it out alive. Four. You act like you don't notice her and didn't even try to get to know her, only her husband. Five. She killed half of that army before you could blink, and she could do it to you in under a second. uring training everything was held back. She is so much stronger than you will ever be. True, you might be able to get Edward to get you pregnant, but you won't be as graceful as she was or how caring and socialable she is without being awkward. Her and Jasper are meant to be, you are just Edward's bloodsinger. You and Edward will never have that."

Bella says, "Yes. We will. You can at least pitch in and help here and there."

I say, "Why? Alice is already doing everything. What are you doing for your wedding?"

Bella scoffs and says, "I help."

I say, "You forget how excellent my hearing is. I heard you tell Alice to do it and that you will go along with it. Besides the heels."

She goes to slap me again and I grab her wrist and lightly squeeze and she yelps in pain and I let go. I smirk and say, "What did I say about touching, Isabella?"

She says, "It's Bella, you bitch."

Jasper and I growl together along with Rose and Esme looks disappointed at Bella. Esme says, "Bella, you need to look at things in her shoes. She has to kids to take care of and your timing with, well, everything is inconvienent for her. She has to think of her kids before she ever thinks of your well being. You are probably the last person on her list."

Bella says, "Everyone else is helping, why isn't she? She can drop her brats off at her dad's place and help."

When she says this lightning is shooting around my body and she looks extremely scared and I hear Edward say, "You can't expect everyone to help you Isabella. Especially in this family. You better stop insulting her or you will most likely end up dead before the wedding."

Bella says, "Where have you been? Why didn't you stop her? She hurt me a lot."

Edward shakes his head and says, "Why would we stop her Bella? You are playing with fire, well lightning. And she's still a newborn. You are also being selfish, you shouldn't expect everyone to drop everything to please you so you don't have to do it. Don't complain that I'm protcting her before you. She's a part of my family. You have to respect her."

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