eighteen // the beat down

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"Hey old man" I hugged walking in, True in my hand and rubbing my siblings heads while my mom got caught up in the car- she dropped her phone somewhere down the Bermuda Triangle of cars

"I'm not that old" He kissed my forehead and took True out my arms. I can tell he'd want at least a few more kids

Mom came into dad's house loudly saying she finally found it, dancing toward where we were. Maceo and Sadie came running toward her with warm hugs, now this would be a deadly duo- my mom and my dad? Pfft, I know it's just awesome coparenting but sometimes there's this thing called fate and I strongly believe in it.

"Remember my post on Sage's birthday with all of us- your kids, True and Sage in the middle?" Mom rummaged through my dad's refrigerator that she hates because everything doesn't seem to be in order or in place- I think I might have gotten her OCD genes because I organize my closet by color and brand. Real problem, if Kris Jenner hears about this she'll send a therapist to my house in five minutes

"Yeah, why?"

"I got it framed in my room- lock screen too" I showed, Devin being my home screen, it's a picture of him winking and pointing at me in a game after shooting a three- he's visiting his mom this weekend and I'm supposed to meet her in a months, that's a big step!

"Nice, is that it?"

"Sage shut up" My mom laughed, then started to do an excessive laugh that had her in tears which had my dad and I confused

"You okay Koko puffs?" he leaned his head to see her face

"Anyways, uhm.... Tristan saw it and texted me" She had a pause, face straightened out "He got angry, he was saying how I have to stop bringing True around you because it's not what he wants. That's bullshit, that's my daughters father and I can introduce my daughter to whoever I want to- I gave birth to her and carried her inside of me for 9 months for fucks sake. The nerve of this guy" She chilled out for a big, that of course got me pissed and angry to the point where the next time he visits to see True he'll be answering to me

"He's just jealous, our coparenting bond is better than his, I mean look at her" My dad tried to cheer her up, I just stayed quiet- I've got cooking plans to bring to life

"No need to waste time and energy on somebody who I can beat at basketball, aint that right Tutu?" I played with her fluffy cheeks

She nodded, True staring my shiny necklace, that is an infection right there. Real or not, who knows what my necklace has been through- if you know, you know.

"Sadie stop beating on your brother, he's a little guy. How can I take you out if you're showing big sis you're being mean?" I picked up Maceo who's had tears in his eyes, I wiped it and rubbed his head, Sadie pulled his hair. I'm so sorry I passed my anger management to Sadie and Maceo has to run away from it, deeply sorry Maceo.

Sadie, quiet and guilt in her eyes. Now I feel bad and I feel the need to apologize but dad came to the rescue and explained to her that right and wrongs and reminding her the consequences you have to face in life for doing the wrong things.

Today, we're having a backyard picnic at dads house celebrating the finale of the baby mama drama! She's been divorced and not to be a rude malevolent bitch but thank you God, she was a snobby shitface. Asking for way too much child support- get a job, live a little- definitely not through your ex's wallet because that's just being a scammer or a swindler.

We sat right in the middle of the green grass, overlooking all of Los Angeles with the sunset before us, it's a romantic family dinner that I've always loved. The feeling of having two parents who love and support your every choice whether or not they agree to it, if it makes you happy they support you and that feeling is the greatest. I feel for those who don't get the love that they deserve, one day you'll be given the love that you crave by the person or people that love you the most. Dad sat at the end of the table as mom and I sat beside him on each side, True on the corner of the table in between my parents as Maceo and Sadie sat in front of each other. A family dinner that doesn't involve your cousins but just your parents and your siblings is the best feeling, I don't know why but things like these make me happy.

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