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1440 |Original| UNPUBLISHED|

There are 1,440 minutes in a day, 1,440 memories, 1,440 impressions what you do and make of those minutes could make or break a single person.


My name is Regina Johnson, but you can call me Reggie; I'm 17 years old and I now live in...actually, that doesn't matter what matters is my name is Reggie Johnson, I'm 17 years old and this blog is the document my life after approximately 3 suicide attempts, therapy and multiple family moves.


Regina was 14 years old, barely a high school when possibly the first thing in her life happened; her online diary was exposed to the word and the world as she knew changed before her eyes. She slowly loses her friends and herself, so she decided that the only way to get out of the situation is to end it all; once her parents realized the troubles that tormented their daughter, they decided that she needed a change of scenery to heal.

Almost 4 years later, her therapist recommended she meet her demons head-on so that she can properly heal because the best way to move one from your past is to confront it.


"It's okay not to be okay, no one is going to be mad at you for not being okay. Take it from me, the queen of 'not okay', you don't have to be strong all the time."


Connor Lou is the average college athlete, he likes to have fun, but he also has his fair share of problems. Growing up he didn't have the best parental figures or role models but the people he did have in his life showed him what he didn't want to be. Most people thought he had a perfect life, no problems at all but Reggie isn't like most people.


This book will deal with elements of suicide, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.


A story loss, love and a journey of acceptance.

Radio Silence |Steve Harrington| Stranger Things

|Season 1|


Hawkins, Indiana isn't a normal town, and it doesn't produce normal citizens. Some people might seem normal on the outside, but appearances only tell you so much.


Take Safaa Mohammed for instance, on the outside, she's a pretty brown girl ignored by society but on the inside, she's just another causality of Hawkins Laboratories; the tattoo on her wrist told her story better than she ever could.


Then there's Steve, he was Safaa's best friend until 2 years ago, then somehow everything changed and now he's left in the rubble of disaster and confusion. Numbing his pain with booze and a girl from across town, but none of that can fill the hole that Safaa left him with.


In which a girl that has music on her mind and a boy with more hair than body hear something on the radio.

Before You Go |Sebastian Stan|

They collided like a meteor the night sky.


It all started with a shared look between two people who didn't exist to one another 'til they did.

Love was far from normal, though she liked to believe that she was. She'd always been destined from greatness; it was written in the stars. The daughter of Hollywood royalty but she wouldn't tell anyone that, and one of the greatest gymnasts to ever live; all of this at the young age of 22. She thought she had it all figured out until she tried to help a friend out and got lost in the blue eyes of her dad's costar.

Hunter, Cori Hunter |gmw book 1 |Lucas Friar|Where stories live. Discover now