Chapter 1

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"Ahhh, I can't believe in two month's our baby's going to be graduating from Uni! We're so proud of you Ellie." My mum swooned, my graduation was pretty much all she'd talked about since...well since I started my final year.
"Mummmm." I moaned. "I got to finish my finals first."
"Oh but you know you'll pass with flying colours, you've worked so hard! What are you planning on doing after you graduate?"
"I don't know, find a decent job maybe? Don't get me wrong, bar tending at the venue is cool and all, but not something I want to be doing forever." I gave a little laugh.
"You know, you've worked so hard your whole life, before you do that, you should take yourself on an adventure!" My dad spoke, walking into the living room. "Spend a couple of months seeing the world, you've always been the adventurous soul, just like your old dad here, so live a little, no regrets."
"Yeah, just for the summer or something, then come back and do all that grown up riff raff, it's what me and your father did." My mum nodded.
"Yeah, but mum, that requires money I don't really have." I sighed.
"Well, if it's what you want to do, we'll help, but you know, where there's a will, there's a way sweet."
"I don't know, like I said, I still got to get through finals first."
"You can do it auntie Ellie, we believe in you!" My brother-In-Law Carl spoke in a baby voice, holding Jake, my two year old nephew on his hip, giggling away.
"Yeah, hopefully." I smiled. "Give me my nephew, I need a Jakey squish!" I held out my arms and Carl handed my handsome little boy to me. "Who's a handsome man huh? God know's where you get it from, because it certainly doesn't come from your daddy now does it?"
"Hey!" Carl looked at me offended.
"Clearly got it from our side of the family!" I grinned cheekily.
"Evil woman!"
"I'm your sister in law, I'm supposed to be evil."
"Good point." He nodded.
"Anyway love, whatever you decide, just let us know." My mum smiled.
"Sure." I nodded and looked at my watch. "Oh fu-fudgey fudge, I got to go, got to be at work in an hour and need to change, don't think going to work wearing Jake's dinner would go down too well."
"Sure sweet, we'll see you next week?"
"Of course daddy." I nodded, standing up, handing Jake back to Carl.
"Alright love, we'll see you soon." My mum gave me a hug, kissing my cheek and my dad and Carl did the same after the other.
"Love you all." I smiled, blowing a kiss at the door before walking out and heading to my car.

I couldn't really complain about my life, I had a family who I adored and loved me unconditionally, we always spent every Saturday together. I had a few good friends, not many, but I didn't need loads, the friends I had, they where real friends, true friends, the kind that would never turn their back on you no matter what. There was Jay, who was one of the sound guys at the venue I bar tended at, I'd known him since middle school, then there was Ben, Ben I'd known since primary school, we where like chalk and cheese at the best of times when we got on, we got on really well, but when we didn't...we really didn't, however, I loved him regardless. Then there was Hayley, Hayley I met in college, we where in the same class together studying music technology, she wanted to be some big shot tour manager or sound engineer, like Jay and I, I wanted to be a producer. Working with different bands, recording them, producing their work that would make hundreds and thousands of fan's happy, because, let's face it, music was the best therapy in any situation. Just, you know, helping them make it all happen.

And finally, there was my best friend, Alex. Alex I'd known since I was a baby, He was in the same year as my sister at school, the year above me, and they where close, so obviously, he spent a lot of time around here growing up, so we naturally grew close. He was a sweet, genuine guy, always full of life...and getting into trouble, however, he moved away when we where young, but we always kept contact, he visited every summer for years. But for the last couple of years, we'd been so busy with our own lives, I hadn't seen him in two years, not since my sisters funeral. My sister passed away due to suffering from preeclampsia during the pregnancy with Jake, Jake suffered too, spending his first two months in ICU, but he was our little fighter who fought with all his might to pull through, my sister however, she wasn't so lucky. It destroyed us all, especially Carl, those two had been childhood sweethearts since primary school, but we counted our lucky stars we still had a piece of her with us everyday, and that was Jake, and he was so much like her already. Fun, cheeky, he had her beautiful soft brown eyes, her dark brown silky hair and her cute little button nose, we treasured him with our lives.

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