Chapter 19

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  I stood there, frozen, waiting for the doctor to speak, it almost felt like time stood still. It had felt like years had passed when the doctor finally opened his mouth to speak and I prepared the best I could for the worst.
"Mr Flyzik will be just fine, he had some minor internal bleeding, but no damage was done. He took quite a blow to the head, so we will need to keep him in for a few days, just for precautions, but all tests came back clear. I will advise against flying for the next three weeks though, is there anywhere he can stay?"
It took a second for his words to process in my mind, but when they did, a huge wave of relief came crashing down on my like a tsunami and I fell into my mothers arms, going limp.
"Yes, yes he can stay with us." My mum nodded her head frantically, trying to stop me from falling to the floor in the process.
"Very well, he is sleeping at the moment, I would strongly advice you all go home and get some rest and come back in the morning."
"Thank you so much doctor." My dad gave a single, polite nod.
"You're very welcome, I do believe there is an officer waiting to speak to you, but I will send him home and tell him to come speak to you tomorrow."
"Thank you doctor." Hayley sniffed, wiping a tear from her eye. The doctor nodded his head and left the room. "He's ok El, he's ok!"
"I-I..." I couldn't find the words to describe how I was feeling, it was over whelming the relief, the joy, my need to just go rushing to his side and hold him forever, kiss him, tell him I love him over and over, the emotions of the past few hours all blurring into one great big mess.
"Shhh sweetie, it's ok, let's get you home, we'll come back first thing tomorrow to see him ok?" My mum pressed her lips against my temple.
"I need to see him."
"I know sweetheart, but you heard the doctor ok? I will bring you down, eight in the morning, on the dot when visiting hours start ok?" My dad promised.
I wanted to protest, but I knew I wouldn't be allowed to see him anyway. "Ok."
"Come on, let's get you home missy, I'll stay with you tonight, if that's ok with you?"
"Of course it is love." My mum smiled at her and we left the hospital and made our way to my parents.

  As promised, after nine, agonizing hours, in which, I only slept for about three, my dad had got us here, eight in the morning, on the dot. "Yes dear, how can I help?" The Nurse behind the desk smiled.
"Matt Flyzik?"
"Are you family?"
"I'm his girlfriend."
"Ellie Turner."
"Very well, room three, second on the left, bed two, the first on the right." She nodded pointing down the hallway.
"Thank you." I smiled and turned to my dad.
"I'll go get you a coffee sweet, then I need to get back to pick Lex, Zack and Matt's mother up from the airport, they get in at eleven.
"They're actually coming? What about the others?"
"Yes sweet, the others wanted to come, but they had to stay behind to sort all the shows and work some things out."
"Oh...yeah...the shows..." My heart sank. "I guess they cancelled some."
"I guess so."
"It's all my fault." Tears filled my eyes, I felt so guilty, if it wasn't for me, Matt wouldn't be here, he'd be safe, on the tour bus. They guys would be playing their shows, doing what they love, happy, as a family. But instead, Matt was here, the guys had cancelled shows, they put things on hold...all because of me.
"Oh Ellie don't say that, none of this is your fault." My dad wrapped his arms around me. "No one blames you, and you shouldn't either, now, go see Matt ok?"
"Ok." I nodded, wiping a tear from my eye.
"I love you sweetpea. I'll be right back with that coffee."
"I love you too daddy." He kissed my cheek, let me go and made his way to the canteen. I took a deep breath and made my way to where Matt was laying.

  Tears fell silently from my eyes as I found Matt laying in the bed, fast asleep, face cut and busied, black eye, broken nose, swollen lip. I sat quietly down on the chair, taking his hand carefully, laying my head down on the edge, trying not to wake him.
"Happy new year." A voice spoke, croaky and quite.
"Hey baby." I lifted my head and looked up at him, despite all the cuts and bruises, he still held that loving, adoring look he always gave me, every time he looked at me, with a small smile on his lips.
"Hey...why you crying?" He took his hand from mine and wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb.
"I'm so sorry." I croaked, pressing his palm against my cheek.
"Heyy, what you sorry for?"
"Everything, it's all my fault."
"No it's not, don't say that." He soothed, brushing hair from my face.
"If I hadn't..."
"Baby, please, don't, this isn't your fault, not even a tiny bit."
"Please, don't, just, give me a hug? I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too." I nodded, getting up off my seat and leaning, very carefully to give him a hug. His arms wrapped around me tight and he breathed out a long breath.
"I love you so much Ellie."
"I love you too Matty." I nuzzled his neck and placed a gentle kiss before pulling away and sitting back down.
"How bad ass do I look?"
"Matt..." I pleaded, I couldn't take the jokes right this second.
"Too soon?" I nodded my reply. "I'm sorry, how's everyone else?"
"They're ok, worried about you. Ben's got a couple of bruises and cuts, but nothing major, he's had a lot worse."
"Have you called..."
"Mum did, Lex, Zack and your mum will be here soon, the others had to stay and sort things out."
Matt gave a small groan, "They didn't have too..."
"Yes they did Matt, they love you. Matt...what where you even doing there?"
"I missed you, I couldn't wait any longer, and I wanted to start the new year with the one person who means the most to me. Now I'm thankful I did, Ellie if he had..."
"He wouldn't of, I could of handled him Matt, you didn't have to get hurt.""I couldn't just stabd there and let him hit you like he used too. I swore to protect you with my life, and I wasn't going to go back on my word, not for a second."
"Ahhh, he's awake!" My dad walked in with a smile, holding two cups of coffee in his hand and passed one too me.
"Thanks." I gave my dad a small smile.
"Dare I ask how you are?"
"I'm fine, a little sore, but I'll live."
"Thank you for protecting my little girl, we owe you so much."
"No, you don't, I'd do it again If I had too."
"Yeah, well, there won't be an 'again'." I sighed.
"Yeah, hopefully that piece of...stay's behind bars." My dad growled. "How he even got out so soon is beyond me."
"I know dad, good behaviour apparently."
My dad scoffed. "Frikking useless system I tell you! if you're given a sentence, you should serve it full term, no ifs or buts."
"In a perfect world maybe." Matt sighed. "I just hope he stays there this time, what did he even want Ellie?"
"Oh...he, uh, he wanted to get Ash back..." I chewed on my lip ring and looked down at the ground.
"Wait, how did he even know about Ash?" My dad raised an eye brow.
"I don't know, it was agreed he wasn't to be told, but obviously someone did. Look, it doesn't matter, he's back where he belongs. I just want to focus on Matt getting better and going back to our lives, he's just not worth it." It was in no way that simple, the whole thing was eating my inside, but Matt was a hundred thousand times more important then my past biting me on the backside and i had to focus on him and things going back to how they should be. It would be ok once normality set in once again and the events of last night could become a thing of the past.

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