Chaper 20

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  Three weeks later

"Well, Mr Flyzik, you're healing great, and I'm happy to say, you're fit enough to go home. But, I will insist on you booking an appointment with your local doctor in about a week or two. And I'd strongly advice against returning to work until your own doctor has seen you and given you the all clear. Otherwise, you're good to fly without risk and you can resume usual household activities, providing you go easy and don't push yourself."
"Thank you!" Matt sighed in relief, as did I.
"You're welcome, glad to see you on the mend." He smiled with a nod. "I'll leave you to get your things back on and you're free to go."
"Thank you." I smiled and the doctor left. "We can go home!"
"Mmm yes we can, to our home." Matt smiled, wrapping his arms around me.
"Our home." I repeated, resting my hands on his bare chest and kissing him. "Now get your top and jacket back on and let's go spread the good news."
"Yes ma'am!" He nodded, grabbing his top and jacket off the table.

"Oh that's great news sweetheart!" My mum smiled hugging both me and Matt. "Going to miss having you two around though."
"Thank you for everything Mrs Turner."
"Oh for the last time Matt, call me Marie, and anything for the man who make's my daughter so happy." She smiled sweetly. "When are you planning on leaving?"
"Well, we where thinking Friday, gives us a couple of days to pack, see everyone, say goodbye."
"Have you done everything you need to for the police and courts?"
"We have." I nodded. "He goes to court end of January, they have everything they need of us, and if they need anything more, they'll get our local police to sort it out and send them the relevant information."
"Good, I can't wait to see that horrid man go back where he belongs!" My mum scrunched her nose in disgust.
"Don't we all." I sighed. "Anyway, um, we're gonna go start packing, so we're not in a mad rush."
"Alright love, dinner will be ready in about an hour."
"Ok, thanks mum." I smiled, kissing her cheek and headed up stairs, Matt following close behind.
"You know, I'm going to kinda miss it here." Matt sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"Yeah, but will be good to get back to normality." I turned around in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck. "To our home."
"Mmmmm our home." He nodded dreamily and kissed me.
If I was strictly honest, the last three weeks had been rough. Every night I'd have the same nightmare, reliving the events of that night, right from the moment I heard his voice behind me, and I'd always wake up right at the point I first laid my eyes on a motionless Matt. I'd wake up, short of breath, panicking, sweating, I was thankful Matt was a heavy sleeper so I'd been lucky enough not to wake him up. And during the day, when it got too quite, like when we'd be laying in bed watching a film, quietly, my mind would drift off to Ash. Wondering what he'd look like now, wondering how his voice sounded when he talked, wondering what he'd be doing, how he's settled into school, wondering if he had made friends in his class, he'd of started school this year. He'd be nearly five now, it made my heart hurt.
These thought's weren't exactly uncommon, but they'd only usually surface around his birthday, and around the time I gave him up. I kept them hidden though, I had to be strong, for Matt, for my family, for Lex and the guys, for my friends...for me. Over the years I'd gotten quite good at hiding things like that, hiding whenever I was feeling down and out.
So right now, as much as I loved being back home with my family, I was only too happy to welcome the news of being able to go back home with Matt and the guys. I was hoping settling back into what had become my life would put me back on track before anyone noticed anything. Even though Matt was a dead weight when he slept, he was bound to find out soon and I couldn't hide the emotions much longer.
"You ok baby?" Matt looked at me, slightly concerned.
"Yeah, I was just thinking how I'm going to get all my stuff in the suitcase now dad's not coming back with us." A blatant lie, I hoped Matt wouldn't catch on, I wasn't the best liar in the world.
"Well I only got like two days worth of clothes, as I've been borrowing Carl's clothes. So I can put them in my shoulder bag and take a suitcase to put all your stuff in?"
"Yeah, that could work." I nodded, thankful he brought what I'd said. "I got a spare suitcase in the closet down stairs."
"Perfect, and if there's anything we can't fit that you want to bring home, we can find a moving service that'll send it over, there's loads that do that."
"I should be able to get it all into the case, it's just the xmas bits, my comic books, my Fairy Tail collectibles things and my games. I've already brought a new xbox, gamecube and PS2 so I've said Hayley can have them. The rest can stay here and I can bring back slowly when I come visit if I want them."
"Mmm ok baby." He smiled and pressed his lips against mine again. "Go grab the suitcase then and we'll get started before dinner."
"Ok." I nodded, pecking his lips once more before running down stairs.

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