Chapter 8

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  Ellie's POV

"Ellie..." Matt stopped, forcing me to stop too as our hands where linked together.
"What's up?" I turned to face him so i was standing in front of him.
"Fifth and final question..." He started chewing on his lip ring like his life depended on it.
"Ok. go for it."
"What would you do if I kissed you right now?"
What?! Is this really happening right now?! AHHHHHHHHHHH! My heart started pounding hard against my chest, butterflies flew around violently in my stomach. Oh my god, what do I say? If I say I'd kiss him back...I'm opening myself to a whole world of heartache when I leave. Yes, yes I know what Hayley said, but thing's won't always play out how you'd like them too. I guess there was only one way to know..."Why don't you kiss me and find out for yourself?"
Matt looked a little surprised by my answer. Oh god, please tell me he wasn't joking! Oh god that would be so awkward! But the next thing I know, his free hand was round the back of my neck and his lips where on mine. OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDD! His lips! These butterflies...Fireworks. I didn't have to think twice as my hand wrapped round the back on his head and I kissed back. Our lips fit perfectly together, almost like they where meant to be together. All too soon he pulled away. Nooooo!

"Wow..." He breathed. "Ellie, I-I really like you, like, a whole lot, everything is just so...easy with you. Every time someone's mistaken us for a couple, you have no idea how much I've wished we where. I know I've known you like two weeks, but I know how I feel. You say no one's perfect,'re perfect to me Ellie. Yeah ok, I may learn small habits you have that I won't like so much, but none of that will matter. Because...Cause all the things that really matter are perfect, in every single way, and the imperfections, will just make you even more perfect in my eyes. Even if they do piss me off sometimes. I know that it's not ideal, you leave in November, it's going to kill me to see you leave, more then it has watching anyone leave. But I know I'd be kicking myself forever if I didn't give it a shot, follow my heart, not my head, just like you said, like your sister said. I really like you Ellie, and I think maybe we could make this work. So...what I'm asking is...will you give us a shot?"
A lump formed in my throat and I felt tears welling up, no one had ever said something so...genuine, so sweet and from the heart, The look in his eyes gave it all away, his words where true. Hayley was right, and I felt the same. "As much as it scares the shit out of me...yes."
Matt's face lit up. "Really?"
"Yes Matt, really. I don't know what it is about you, but every things so natural with you. I hate not being around you, it kinda sucks. The way we just hold hands and not even realize we're doing it, the way we'll end up cuddled up and not notice we're even doing. How relaxed I am around you, that never happens for me. With everyone else, aside from the obvious people I've known many years, I put walls up, but with you, there's no walls and I don't want to put the walls up. It's not ideal no, but if we stand, and fight together, side by side, I think we'll be ok. So yes Matt, I'll give us a shot."
"Oh my god...I-" He let go of my hand, pulling me close to him, locking his lips on mine. I smiled as I synced my lips perfectly with his and I felt him smile too. "You're worth fighting for...I-I love you, I know, I know it's so soon, but it's how I feel and I know it's real."
I damn near fainted hearing those words, damn Hayley for always being right. "I love you too, and it's real for me too."
"You happy you've just made me."
"If it's anything close to how happy I am right now, I have a rough idea." I grinned. I could of jumped up and down, I could of screamed with joy, I could of sworn I could fly. Not once had I ever felt this happen.
"So...I can call you my girlfriend now?"
"And I can call you boyfriend...though, It may be best if we kept it from the others, just for now and I brake it to Alex slowly. He'd freak saying how it was so soon and all that, he gets protective of me."
"Yeah, I don't fancy feeling the wrath of Alex, I'd rather just be able to enjoy us, in our own little world for a little while."
"Agreed." I nodded and placed my lips on his.
"Want to head back or carry on walking?"
"Well, we have walked pretty far, so we could carry on walking slowly, back towards the hotel."
"Good plan." He smiled and placed a chaste kiss on my lips before wrapping his arm around my shoulders I wrapped mine around his waist and started heading back, talking about anything and everything.

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