Chapter 2

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  **Two months later**

I did it! I finally did it! Years and year of working my ass off had finally paid off! I passed my finals with flying colours and I was finally graduating! It was finally over and I was ready to become a full, fledged adult, spread my wings and go off out into the open...although the thought was just a little scary.
"We did it Ellie! We finally did it!" Hayley squeaked excited as we stood in our black graduation gowns and caps.
"I know, I can't believe you got chosen as our departments valedictorian either!" I beamed happily. The way our university here in Essex worked, was instead of having one big ceremony, they did it by departments, so us music tech, business and performance had ours, drama and dance had theirs, art students had theirs, so on and so forth. Today was ours, today was the day we graduated, me with honors, I was so happy I could cry.
"I know it's so amazing! This is it girl, the start of our lives!"
"Hell yeah!" We high fived and then the head of our University came into the hall where we where waiting.

"Graduates of our much loved music department, today is a special day for you all, you have all worked so hard the past four years to get here today, and I'm so proud of each and every one of you. Each and every one of you have shown true love, dedication and hard work for what you do, and it warms my heart to see how happy you all are. This is where it all starts for you and I believe each and every one of you have the real potential to go out there and make it, doing what you love. So with that, I congratulate every single on of you. Your friends and family are outside waiting to see you receive your dipolma's, there's barely a dry eye out there already! As practiced, I need three lines, can we have performance to the left, Tech in the middle and business to the right, in alphabetical order and I will call each one in turn. From then, you will take your seats, the faculty will give their speeches, we will then have Hayley Lovik give her valedictorian speech and one by one, you will all be called up to recieve your dipolma's. Once again, congratulations."
We all did as we where instructed, sadly with Haley being an L, and me being a T for Turner, we weren't near each other seating wise, but I didn't care, because I knew she would be up there with me when I received my diploma.

"Class of 2012, wow what a ride it's been huh? The past four years have just been...amazing. We've all had our ups and downs, we've all tumbled and fallen at some point along the way, some of us more times then we'd care to admit. We've been unsure, we've been scared, we've been confused, we've been stressed, put under pressure, but guess what guys...We did it! Each and everyone of you should be so proud of yourselves right now! Not everyone made it this far, but you all did, and each and everyone of you have the true heart, passion and talent to go far do do everything you've ever dreamed of. I'm not going to promise you it's going to be easy from here, nothing worth having is easy, but I know you all have the strength and drive to push through all the bad and hard times and make it! Music is our lives, and music will get us to our dreams in the end, none of us will die with regrets. I cannot, and will not promise you, you'll get to exactly where you want to be, but I know you will work so hard and achieve the best you that you can be! So go out there guys and girls, let's put the world to rights and tear it up in the music world, because we all have a dream, and that dream is about to become real! Congratulation music department, class of 2012!" Hayley gave her speech with so much drive, so much passion, every word she spoke you knew came from the heart. I had tears falling silently down my cheeks, I couldn't believe I was actually standing here as they began calling names, one by one. I turned to try and find my family, but through the crowds behind me of people a lot taller then I was, I couldn't see anything.
Finally my name was called. "Omg your speech had me crying!" I whispered as Hayley handed me my certificate.
"Sorry girl." She grinned. "Congratulations babe, love you."
"You too, love you more." I winked and left the stage to stand with everyone else.
The ceremony came to a close with the final words from the head. "Class of 2012, you are officially graduates, congratulations." Everyone threw their caps in the air in celebration. "The graduation party will be starting the the sports hall now, family and friends if you could follow the students standing to the left of your seats, they will lead the way. Students, can you hold back for just a minute and you will be able to go join your families in just a moment. Once again, congratulations."

This one's for you ~Matt Flyzik~Where stories live. Discover now