Chapter 25-Final chapter

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A/N: This is it guys! Final chapter! ARGHHHHHH! I hope you've enjoyed reading. I'll be going back to do some minor edits here and there. Anyway, vote, comment, follow etc etc and let me know what you thought! And if you liked this, go check out my other fics, I'm working on my Flykarth one now, Somewhere in Neverland. It's going to be different from things I've written before so I hope you all like it! Much love Ducky xox

  "Baby, wake up." Matt whispered, gently shaking me out of my peaceful slumber.
"Hmmmm?" I yawned, slowly opening my eyes.
"I love you." He kissed the top of my head.
"I love you too." I mumbled sleepily, then, like a feight train, it hit me. Today was it, it was our last day as ATL's tour manager and sound engineer, my heart sank. "It's today."
"Yeah, it is." Matt sighed holding me tight.
"Can't believe it's here already, it's gone so quickly."
"Too quick, but, no regrets right?"
"No, no regrets, just...I don't know, I'm happy and sad at the same time. All this has changed my life so much, I made new friends, new family, I've lived a dream for the past year, I've had the adventure I'd always wanted, I got close to Lex again and I found you. So it's all just so...bittersweet, you know?"
"Yeah, I'm right there with you, but you know we'll visit as much as we can, they're not going to exactly let us go far are they?"
"No, that's true." I gave a small chuckle.
"But you're right, it's very bittersweet, I feel the same way."
"Yeah." I sighed.
"Come on, we better get up."
"Aye." I nodded, lifting my head up to kiss him before climbing out of the bunk.

"Morning." Jack greeted me with a hug. "Can't believe it's your last day."
"I know!" I pouted. "Where are the others?"
"Umm Lex is in the shower and Rian and Zack have gone to get us all breakfast."
"Ahhh okay." I nodded.
"Elllllieeeee stayyyyyyyy." Jack whined.
"Jack, how many time's have we been through this?" I rolled my eyes.
"I know but it's just going to suck so much being without you and Matt around!" He slumped, sulking on one of the sofa's.
"We're going to miss you all too, it's really bittersweet."
"You should of like, fallen in love with Zack, or me! Because if you did, you'd soooo be staying right now instead!"
"Maybe, but Matt would still be leaving."
"Hmmm, true...but stilllllllllll!"
"Jack, let it go before she hits you again." Alex came out of the shower, giving a little chuckle. "Although, watching you get your ass kicked by a woman is amusing."
"Lexxxx why aren't you trying to stop themmmmmmm?"
"Because, it's their choice Jack, and they're our friends, we love them and we support them. I know better then to try and change Ellie's mind on things, if she says she wants to do something, it means she wants to do it from the bottom of her heart, even if it's painful to do. And Matt, he's been with us so long, and we all knew one day he was going to want to leave us to start a family, and now he's got someone as amazing as El, he deserves it. It's killing me to see them go, but they'll still be around, you know that, and they're our family."
"I know but it sucks." Jack pouted. I darted off the sofa and flew my arms around Alex, not caring if he was standing there in nothing but a towel.
"I love you Lex."
"I love you too Ellie." He chuckled. "Now can I go get dressed?"
"Yeah, sorry." I laughed, wiping a small tear from my eye.
"Let's make this the best day yet yeah?" He smiled.
"Aye sir!" I smiled back and he walked off to the bunk area while I sat myself back down next to Jack. "Oh stop pouting."
"Make me!" He poked my side.
"Really, you want your ass kicked again?" I raised an eye brow and poked him back.
"Brinnngggg itttt! I'll be prepared this time!"
"BE PREPAREDDDD!" Matt came in singing loudly. "Sorry, couldn't resist."
"Alright scar!" Zack rolled his eyes, walking on to the bus, holding a cardboard tray of drinks. "Err, that's Matt's coffee, there's yours Jack, English tea for Posh spice...where's Lex?"
"Getting clothes on, thank you Zack." I smiled taking my tea from Zack.
"Annnd here's the food!" Rian grinned waving bags in his hands.
"FOOD!" Alex suddenly appeared making us all jump, of course, he would suddenly reappear when food was mentioned, he ate like a pig!

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