Chapter 12

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  The next month flew by and it was now the middle of October, those blissful hotel nights we had before had been very few and far between, but I was loving every second. There was no way anyone could be bored around All Time Low and their crew, and things with Matt where just perfect. My visa papers had come through and the extension of my working visa was granted, so I was legally here until November 2013. Of course, I was missing my family and friends at home like mad, I talked, Skyped and text them as much as possible, but I was so happy and they where happy for me. We where back in Baltimore tonight, not that it meant we where able to go, we had a show to do before we had to hope on a flight to Texas.

  "Yo, Ellie, think quick!" Zack yelled, the next thing I knew a basket ball was flying towards my face, making me jump and scream, batting the ball away. "You where to supposed to catch it you know!"
"I'm sorry, I don't often get balls thrown in my face." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot the only balls you get in your face where Matt's!"
"FUCKER!" I growled and ran at him full speed and we ended up chasing each other round the back of the venue.
"WOAHHHHH slow down there roadrunner!" Matt laughed, grabbing me, forcing me to stop in my tracks.
"Heyyyy! He needs his ass kicked!"
"We'll throw some of his shit off the bus later baby, right now, your boyfriend here needs a kiss, so pucker up!"
"Maybe I don't want too!" I held my nose up in the air and his mouth dropped open.
"Now that's just not very nice!"
"Awwww you know I'm joking Matty, come here!" I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down to meet my lips.
"That's more like it!" He grinned.
"Seriously, you two with the PDA! It's like watching my little sister and best friend make out and it's just not cool!" Alex mimicked throwing up.
"Hey, just be glad we honor the no sex on the bus rule Gaskarth!" Matt warned.
"Oh god, yeah, please don't do that! Hearing you the other week at the hotel was bad enough! BLEH!" He shuddered.
"Shouldn't have been listening." I shrugged.
"I wasn't! But I was in the room next to you guys and jesus you got a gob on you Ellie!"
"Least you know he's doing it right." I laughed.
"I-Uhh-No," Alex shook his head furiously and walked away.
"Ellie one, Alex Zero!" I cheered, holding my arms up in the air in victory.
"Woooo! Go Ellie! Anywayyy now I've had my kiss, and we've now successfully grossed Alex out...I need you to sort out Jack's guitars, Danny's not feeling good so I've told him to go rest up. I'll do the actual teching during the show, but can you make sure they are all clean, no strings need replacing and they're ready to roll...please?"
"Ohhh I think I can manage that." I smiled. "Anything else boss?"
" me that again..."
"What, boss?"
"Yeah that! It's hot when you say it, now, get to work!" He bit his lip and tapped my ass.
"Aye boss." I winked and ran off."Hey, uh, sorry..." A strange woman's voice came from behind, I turned around to be faced by a woman who was ridiculously beautiful. Hell, I'd of probably gone gay for her. She had beautiful long brown wavy hair, soft brown eyes, nose piercing, lips any guy would be stupid to not want to kiss. She was slim, but not in that unhealthy kind of way, She stood just a little taller then me and had one hell of a killer rack. I'd never seen her before but damn!
"How can I help?" I smiled.
"I'm looking for Matt? Flyzik?"
"Oh, he was by the bus a while ago, not sure if he's still there. Want me to radio him? Who shall I say is looking for him?"
"Oh, I'm just an old friend, haven't seen him for a while so thought I'd come suprise him, it's ok, I'll go find him." She smiled one hell of a stunning smile.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it's not a problem, thanks for your help...uh sorry, didn't get your name..."
"Oh, it's Ellie." I smiled.
"Ahhh you're Ellie, awesome, nice to meet you, I'll, uh, catch you in a bit maybe?"
"Sure." She was gone before I could even say anything else or even ask her name. I shrugged and carried on sorting Alex's and Jack's guitars.

  Matt's POV

"How's it all going with the sound in there guys?" I spoke into my radio.
"We should be all set up and ready to go in about fifteen minutes." Evan's voice came out of the speaker.
"Cheers mate, Ellie nearly done with the guitars?"
"She's on it now."
"Awesome, once she's done can you send her Nano's way, he's got a couple of bits for her to do."
"Sure thing, that all?"
"That's all, cheers mate."
I had to say, today was going pretty good so far, which, was odd, usually something had happened by now, I just hoped it wasn't going to come later, I could do without anything going wrong for once.
"Matt?" A voice that made my heart stop came from behind, I slowly turned around praying it wasn't who I thought it was. "Hey."
Fuck! "Wh-What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you."
"How did you even get in?"
"Oh, yeah, I kinda intern for a magazine, and yeah." She waved her 'press' badge from one of the magazines that was interviewing the guys today.
" what do you want Kendra? I don't have time today, I got a million and one things to do."
"I just wanted to talk, that's all."
"It's been, what, nearly a year now and your showing up because you want to 'talk'...ok, well I don't have an interest in talking to you right now."
"Please Matt, I want to apologize, yes I know, may be kind of late, but still."
"If you wanted to apologize, you could have sent a letter, or a text or something, you didn't have to show up here."
"It's not the same Matty Mouse, I wanted to..."
"DON'T call me that, you have no right too." I cut her off. "And I don't want to hear your apology either, so go, before I call security."
"Matt please!" She begged. "I miss you! So damn much, I wanted to come to you sooner but...I was so scared. I know I hurt you, I know I was a real bitch to you, but I miss you Matt...c-can we try again?"
"Are you freaking kidding me right now? No, we can't! You had your chance with me and you screwed it up! I gave you everything I could! I was willing to step down years before I planned to for you so I could give you what you wanted, didn't matter to you what I wanted, or how it made me feel. But no matter what I did, what I offered, it was never good enough for you."
"I've changed Matt, I was selfish and a bitch, I'm not like that anymore."
"Kendra, you left me for some sleaze bag, oh and by the way, a little information I never told anyone, I know you where sleeping with him for the last two months of our engagement, yeah, I know! Hell you could of been shacking up longer for all I know! So not a chance in hell, besides, I'm with someone else now, and she is ten times the woman you could ever be. She doesn't ask me for anything, in fact she's uprooted her entire life to be with me. And no, I never asked her too either, she just did it, because she loves me, because that's what you do for people you love. I am in love with that girl, more then I love Mickey, more then I've ever loved anything or anyone. But even if I didn't have her, the answer would be no, without a seconds thought, so...just go, now, final warning."
She looked hurt. "Fine, have it your way Matt." She trurned on her heel and left.
"Jesus mother..." I growled running my fingers through my hair.
"Dude!" Rian called. "Was that..."
"Yeah." I sighed.
"What the hell did she want? And how did she...?"
"She's with one of the magazines here today apparently and she wanted to apologies...oh...and try and get me back."
"What the alright mate?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, pissed off, but fine. I need to go find Ellie."
"Alright mate." Rian put his hand on my shoulder, I nodded and headed off to find Ellie, I had to find her, tell her, talk to her, anything.

This one's for you ~Matt Flyzik~Where stories live. Discover now