Chapter 3

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  "El...Ellie..." Alex shook me out of my peaceful slumber. "We're here buttercup, we're about to land, you need to put on your belt."
"Huh? Oh, ok." I yawned sleepily, rubbing my eyes.
"Awww I forgot how cute you where sleeping." he grinned and kissed the top of my head.
"Shut up." I moaned, strapping my belt around me.
"It's alright, she sleep talks." Alex pointed to Hayley who was in the seat in front of me.
"Hey!" I looked back and glared.
"Sorry, it's funny." Alex laughed. "Matt's going to be meeting us at the airport, with a car to take us to mine, we don't set off for tour for a couple days so we can just chillout."
"Sounds good." I nodded.
Within twenty minutes we made our way to the baggage claim area. 'Welcome to Balimore' and big sign read. It was real, we where really here, me and Hayley couldn't stop laughing and squealing with excitement.
"You know, Matt's going to be all over you in that hoodie." Alex chuckled looking down at my Mickey Mouse hoodie.
"Well, you know, figured I'd make a good first impression." I grinned. "Plus it's reallllly comfy!"
"Good thinking." He nodded.
"So, your managers seriously obsessed with Mickey Mouse?" Hayley raised an eyebrow.
"Oh'll see." Alex laughed and started lookin around the baggage claim area. He finally found what he was looking for and began waving like a lunatic. Me and Hayley looked to see what on earth was going on, and that's when I saw him, Matt.

"Holy hot damn...he's HOT!" Hayley squeaked in a whisper. I couldn't respond, I was in some sort of trance, watching as he walked over to us, his smile was one of those smiles that could of lit up the darkest rooms. He wasn't overly tall about five foot ten, and he was slim, but you could see through his godly tight t-shirt he was muscular, but not too muscular. The way his lip ring glistened in the light as he smiled, this guy was like some kind of god! "El? EL!" Hayley snapped me out of my trance, waving her hand in front of my face, clicking her fingers.
"Huh, sorry, I think I dozed off for a second." I laughed.
"Clearly!" She raised an eyebrow
"Ok girlies, Matt, this is Ellie and Hayley, Hayle, Ellie, this is Matt." Alex smiled introducing us.
He took Hayley's hand first, as they exchanged the typical pleasantries when you meet someone. His voice, oh god his voice was dreamy, it was a voice I could just listen to all day long...and usually I couldn't stand people rambling on forever and a day.
Then Matt took my hand, oh god his hands, they fit perfectly in mine and I felt this weird, like, bolt of lightening surge through me. What the hell was that?!
"So, you're the famous Ellie, it's nice to finally meet you, and congratulations." He smiled sweetly, oh god that smile.
"Thanks, you too." I blushed, why the HELL was I blushing, I don't blush!

  Matt's POV

I'd seen pictures of this Ellie girl, Alex had a fair few of them and carried a few around while we where on the road. Not only that, I'd caught her on skype a couple of times in the past, but clearly she hadn't been done justice. She was just about the most perfect thing I'd seen, her black hair with purple running through it, her heavenly defined cheekbones, her, small, oh so cute smile, her nose and lip piecing suiting her perfectly. Oh god...she's wearing a Mickey Mouse hoodie...could she BE anymore perfect?! Dammnit Matt, snap out of it and frikking introduce yourself before you look like a nonce!
"So, you're the famous Ellie, It's nice to finally meet you, and congratulations." I gave her a sweet smile, secretly relieved that came out confident, because, really here, the feel of her hand in mine, I turned me into goo, I was putty in her hand with one touch. Oh what fresh hell was this? No Matt, she's your best friends, best friend, he'll kill you, he'll murder you, so slowly, so painfully! Plus she's only here for a few months, let it go Matt, let it go!
"Thanks, you too." She blushed, oh holy hell that blush, oh it was just about the cutest thing I'd seen, I just wanted to hug her, but I managed to stop myself.
Hayley was cute, in that typical 'hot' sense, you know the type most guys look at and gawp, stunned by her amazing hotness. But nah, that wasn't me, looks didn't really mean anything to me, I mean, Ellie was hot, but not in a blindingly obvious way. And I couldn't really tell due to the fact her hoodie was kind of baggy, but she didn't look like she was all skin and bone, I didn't like skin and bone, I liked my women with a little meat. I didn't like feeling like I could snap them in half with one hug.
"We better grab our bags." Alex spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Uh, yeah, the car's ready and waiting out front." I shot him a smile, I didn't realize mine and Ellie's hand where still together, so I quickly, but politely pulled mine away.
"Sweet, come on girlies, let's grab the bags and head home. Oh btw Hayley, your in the spare room, and Ellie your in with me if that's ok?"
"Sure." Ellie smiled widely, I could stare at that smile all day, I then realized what Alex had just said, why was I now feeling jealous? The thought of Alex getting to cuddle up with her every night, yeah, it made me jealous. Pull yourself together Flyzik!

Ellie's POV

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