Chapter 14

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  Matt's POV

"Are you sure your ok with this Ellie?""Matt, if it get's her off our back then yes, seriously, before she causes us anymore grief." She sighed.
"Ok, I love you."
"I love you too." She gave me a small smile.
"I'll, uh, get her to meet me here and let you know when It's been sorted."
"I want to be here too Matt, we're a team remember, we fight, together."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am." She nodded, "We're in this together right?"
"Right." I smiled and kissed her.
"Well, get that bitch over here and let's take her down."
"Alright." I chucked and got out my phone.
Matt; Hey, uh, something happened, and I was wondering if it was too late to talk things over?
Kendra; Oh really? What happened? And no it's not too late, I can be over in an hour?
Matt; I just did a lot of thinking and yeah, I'll explain everything when you get here, see you in a bit
Kendra: Can't wait :-)
"What she say?"
"She'll be here in an hour." I sighed. "This could get ugly Ellie, I don't know how low she's willing to stoop."
"I'm sorry, have we met, Hi, I'm Ellie, and I can be a right bitch when I need to be and I fight for what I love." She held out her hand, I couldn't hold in the laugh as I took her hand and placed a small kiss on her knuckles.
"I know, I just don't want her to hurt you."
"I'd like to see her try! You know, Jimmy taught me a trick or two and mentally, if she think's she's going to get under my skin, she's got another thing coming."
"You're amazing you know that?" I took her face in one of my hands, stroking her cheek.
"I know, you're kinda amazing too." She giggled.
"Oh, kinda huh?"
"Yeah, kinda." She grinned and lent over to kiss me.
"I'll take it, better then being a loser."
"Oh no, you're a loser, your just a kinda amazing loser."
"Oh, well you're kinda a dork!"
"Kinda? I am thee dork of all dorks! I am Ellie, queen of the dorks and I rein proud over my kingdom!" She stood up, holding on hand on her heart, the other in the air. "I am the sworn protector of all dorks, I am the dork who will guide my people in the ways of dorkness. So long as I am standing proud as queen dork, nothing shall harm my kingdom and all dork's shall live happily ever after!"
"You're such a goof." I burst out laughing, pulling her back down on the sofa, resting my head on her shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Yeah but you love me." She giggled.
"Mmmm yes I do." I looked up at her and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.
"So, what you wanna do while we wait for Satan herself?"
"Oooooh you know, a cup of tea sounds good, but you know, whatever." She shrugged,
"Alright, cup of tea coming right up." I kissed her cheek and headed into the kitchen.

Just under an hour later, there was a ring on the door bell. "Stay here, I'll get it." I kissed the top of Ellie's head, getting up and walking to the door.
"Hey Matt." Kendra smiled.
"Uh, hey come in." I moved out of the way to let her in, I couldn't lie, I was kind of nervous. I had no idea what she was capable of, and if she caused a show down with Ellie, that wouldn't end well.
"So, you finally come to your sense's, ditched Ellie and finally realized you still love me?" She spoke as I led her into the living room.
"Actually quite the opposite!" Ellie stood there, arms folding, looking the most unimpressed I've ever seen her. "Don't think we're stupid Kendra, we know it was you who sent that letter to Matt."
"What letter?" Kendra mimicked Ellie, folding her arms, resting her weight on one leg.
"Don't play dumb Kendra, you know exactly what Ellie's talking about, you honestly think a pathetic stunt like that was going to make me leave her? I thought you knew me better then that." I took my place next to Ellie.
"And you obviously don't know me if you thought your first letter was going to do anything. I guess you underestimated me big time, and how close I was to Lex. Yeah, known him my entire life, you think he would of let Matt near me if Matt was anything like you said he was? You really need to learn to do your research. Oh and I love how you 'forgot' to include my divorce papers too."
"Actually, I did do my research, I know your husband..."
"Ex husband." Ellie cut her off.
"Is behind bars for what he did to you, that's why I guessed that you wouldn't have told Matt about it. But looks like next time I'm just going to have to try a little harder, you think I haven't got more dirt? You'd be wrong."
"And what dirt would that be? That Ellie has a son? Yeah she told me that too. You can throw whatever you like at us Kendra and it won't mean a damn thing. Even if you did succeed in braking us up, I would never get back with you. Not after what you did to me, and now you're doing this, thinking that one day I'll give in and come running back? I don't think so!"
"You wanna bet huh? Don't underestimate me!I"
"Hey, bitch, if you want to throw down right now, bring it, because you have no idea who the hell your messing with! You fuck with Matt, you fuck with me."
"You fuck with her, you fuck with me and you should know by now you fuck with anyone in the ATL family, you fuck with everyone, and trust me, I'll be the last of your problems if you mess with Ellie. You know what lenghs Alex will go to protect the people he loves."
"What and you don't think I have friends too? I told you I worked for a magazine right Matt? Ohhh so many stories I could give them, I can destroy you!"
"Bring it, I'd like to see you try." I growled. "We're a family, families stand together and we will always win in the end, so give it your best shot Kendra."
"Kendra, I don't know what happened to you to make you so...sad, pathetic and desperate, but I'm sorry. The past is the past and you have to let it go because in the end, your only going to destory yourself. You'll be the one standing there with nothing left, staring at the mess you've made, no friends, no nothing, while we'll be standing there, together, rebuilding everything, as a team. If you think you can brake me, you got another thing coming, I am ten times stronger then you could ever hope to be. If you think you can brake Matt, he's better then that, he's better then you! And if you think you can brake our family, then go a head, I'd love to stand here laughing my head off while you try, because nothing will work. So go a head Kendra, choice is yours, let it go, move on or bring it on and we'll watch you take yourself down, because we won't have to do anything, you'll do it all on your own." Ellie relaxed, sighing, visibly not caring on what she decided to do.
"Your friends aren't real friends Kendra, they're people you work with, but we, we're a family and that means something." I took Ellie's hand in mine. "You'll never win."
"This is your last chance Matt, once I'm out that door, there will never be another chance for us and you'll be the one heartbroken when you realized it was me all along, and she was just some dumb ass replacement to try and make you feel better."
"Ellie is ten time's the women you'll ever be, and I love her so much more then I ever loved you. She's no replacement, she's everything your not and more, so go Kendra, I don't ever want to see, hear or speak to you again. I used to think you where everything, but then Ellie proved me wrong, and now look at you...go!" She looked at me, dead in the eye, I kept my eyes locked on her and it finally sank in I meant every single word.
"Fine, I hope your all very happy together, but I won't be there when it all goes to shit." Tears threatened her eyes and she stormed out.
Once I heard the door slam, my heart pounded hard against my chest and I threw my arms around Ellie. "We did it, she's gone."
"Yup and we did it, together and we always will."
"Forever and always." I brought her lips to mine, sealing my promise with a kiss.

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