Chapter 17

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  "I'm going to miss you." Matt pouted as we stood in Baltimore airport, waiting for my flight back to England.
"I'm going to miss you too baby." I sighed sadly and pecked his lips.
"Can't believe your making me go over a week without you, you suck!"
"Well, you would know." I winked cheekily.
"Cheeky cow!"
"You love me!" I grinned brightly.
"That I do." He nodded and kissed me.

  The last couple of weeks had been, interesting. It was great I was finally working with Evan behind the sound desk, helping set up and pack up the equipment, making sure the guys go the best sound it could. Although, it was quite tiring all the running around there was, but I was loving it.
Alex and Rian spent a good two days refusing to talk to me and Matt after their joint birthday bash with the male strippers. We had to make sure the strippers where gay, of course, and we told them they where gay as well, so you can imagine what ordeal they put them through, it was funny as hell though. But we did make it up to them once we where back home for a couple of night's and took them both out to a female strip club and they got their own back by getting me a female stripper and Matt a, well, cross gender stripper. We took our revenge like troopers though, we'd been wise enough to make sure we'd drunk enough beforehand!

 "Sucks the guys couldn't be here."
"Yeah, sorry, they got a lot to do before they can have a rest, they already fell a little behind on getting the album written."
"Yeah I know, I don't know how they keep up."
"Yeah, but they've had years to get used to the fast pace, plus, well you see every day how passionate they are about it."
"Yeah, you can really tell they love doing what their doing, they're doing what they where made for and it shows." I nodded.
Now boarding flight 243 to London Gatwick, can all passengers please have their boarding passes at the ready and make their way to the boarding area. That's now boarding flight 243 to London Gatwick.
"That's me, I love you." I wrapped my arms tightly around Matt and he wrapped his around me even tighter.
"I love you too baby, have a safe flight ok? And call me when you land, I don't care what time it is here."
"Ok I will baby." I nodded and gave him a long lingering kiss.
"Good, I'll see you in just over a week ok? Let me know what time you'll land and I'll pick you up."
"I will, bye Matty Mouse."
"Bye Tigger." He gave me one final kiss and cuddle before I grabbed my suitcase and made my way to board my twelve hour plane journey.

  "There she is!" My dad beamed widely as I found the luggage collection area.
"Hey Daddy." I grinned and threw my arms around him.
"Ahh I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it over with your mum and the others."
"It's ok, I missed you too, where is everyone?"
"They're all back at the house waiting for you. Well, except Jay and Jimmy, they had to work sadly."
"Ok, let me just grab my suit case and let's get home." I beamed.
"Alright sweetheart." He smiled sweetly, kissing the top of my head.

  "ELLIEEEEEE!" Everyone shouted as I stepped into the living room. There was 'welcome home' banners and balloon's everywhere.
"Woah! Hey!" I grinned as my mum came hurling towards me with one of her hugs.
"So good to have you home."
"It's good to be home. Umm, where's all the Christmas decorations? It's Christmas eve tomorrow..."
"Well, we didn't want to do them without you silly, so we're going to do them tonight." My dad chuckled.
"Awwww, you guys didn't have to wait."
"We kind of did, hey girl." Carl smiled and hugged me. "Jake is down for a nap at the moment, sorry."
"What? How rude!" I pouted.
"Are we not good enough?" Ben raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, but your not small, cute, squishy with the most adorable little laugh and smile!"
"Are you saying I'm not cute and adorable?"
"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, you're big, mean and a runt."
"Alright you two, let's not start already." Hayley laughed. "Hey girlie, I missed you!"
"I missed you too." I smiled, welcoming her hug. "Aww now come on Ben, you know you missed me and want to give me a hug."
"Say I'm cute and adorable!"
"Umm, no." I shook my head.
"Say it."
"I hate you..."
"No you don't." I grinned. "Come on Benny you know you wanna!" I held out my arms.
He stood there for a second, with his best evil eyes, before smiling and coming to hug me. "You're lucky I missed you too much."
"See, you did miss me! I, kinda missed you too." I laughed and beamed in victory.
"Here sweet, I'll take your case to your room." My mum went to grab my suitcase.
"No, it's ok mum, I do remember where my room is, plus, I promised Matt I'd call him when I got here, I'll be back down in a minute." I smiled.
"Ok dear, would you like a drink?"
"Please mum, tea would be awesome."
"Alright." She smiled adoringly with a nod. "I've missed you."
"I missed you too mum. I'll be back in a sec." I grabbed my suit case and headed up to my room, getting out my phone and dialing Matt's number.
"Hey baby." His voice sounded sweetly over the phone.
"Hey, I'm home."
"Good, have a good flight?"
"Well, about as good as a twelve hour flight can get." I chuckled, throwing my suit case on my bed. "I miss you already though."
"I miss you too baby, kinda feels empty without you here."
"Awww, I'll be back soon, promise, going to be weird not sleeping next to you."
"Yeah, I've kind of thrown one of your tops you left here over one of my big Mickey's and put it in your spot. I'm in bed all cuddled up to it, it's not the same, but it'll do."
"Awwww that's so cute! I nicked a couple of your tops and a hoodie."
"Yeah, I noticed." He laughed. "It's ok, you can keep them."
"Good, because I intend too. Isn't it like, two in the morning over there?"
"Get some sleep baby, Skype me later ok?"
"Buttttt..." He whined. "Ok, I'll talk to you later. I love you."
"I love you too baby, night."
"Night." He blew a kiss down the phone, I did the same back with a smile before hanging up.
"Suck's he couldn't come." Hayley's voice made me jump.
"Jesus Lee, you made me jump." I put my hand over my pounding heart.
"Sorry." She giggled.
"It's ok, and yeah, but, you know, he's got his own family to be with." I sighed.
"Yeah I get it, still, you clearly miss him already."
"I do." I nodded. "Umm, did all the stuff I ordered online arrive?"
"Yeah, it's all at mine, and I even wrapped them for you." She grinned.
"Ahhh you legend!" I smiled and hugged her.
"Where's mine then?"
"In my suit case along with Jay's, and don't even try to peak because I wrapped them before I put them in the case."
"I do need to get the last few little bits if you fancy a little shopping trip?"
"El, you know it's going to be heaving out there right?"
"Yup, but you know, always fancied living out my own personal real life horror survival story. It'll be like a real life Resident Evil game." I laughed.
" get the aid sprays and I'll get the weapons...weapons being our bags of course."
"Of course." I nodded and giggled as we headed back down stairs. "Hey, me and Hayley are going to run into town for a little bit, I got a couple of bits I need to get."
"You going to drink your tea first?" My dad raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah! Yes, I need the caffine If I'm going to brave it out there!"
"Ahh I'll come with you two, be your body guard, because I'm nice like that." Ben smiled.
"Are you trying to say we can't handle ourselves Mr Benjamin?" Hayley folded her arms.
"No, just thought you might like the back up...but...if you rather I didn't..."
"No, back up's always helpful, you can never have too much back up this close to Christmas in Essex."
"Ellie has a point." Carl chuckled.
"Fineee, you can come." Hayley sighed, then shot Ben a huge grin.
"You two are mean to me you know that?"
"Us? Mean? Never!" I rolled my eyes.
Ben went to speak but my mum cut him off. "You're all as bad as each other, now drink your tea, the sooner you get there, the better. Then we can start decorating when you get back."
"Alright mum." I nodded, downing the rest of my tea. "Right...let's go!"

This one's for you ~Matt Flyzik~Where stories live. Discover now