Chapter 22

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  "We're going to be gutted to see you go." Keith sighed as we sat in his room with Nano.
"Yeah, wasn't an easy decision dude, but you know." Matt shrugged. "I'm gutted to be going, the last seven years...they've been the best of my life. But I think now's a good time to call it a day and focus of my future."
Matt took my hand and I gave him a small smile.
"Perfectly understandable, is there no way we can convince you to stick around a little longer. I mean, if you two want to get married and all that, we can work out some time for that?" Nano looked hopefully.
"It's not just that man, we, you know, want to get a house, together and one we're actually going to live in. And yeah sure, we could be married and carry on doing what we're doing, that's not a problem, but, well, we want kids too. And tour isn't the place for babies and children, for a couple of days when visiting sure, but not three hundred days of the year. I couldn't ask Ellie to stay home on her own while I'm still going here there and everywhere. And I know she couldn't ask me to do that either. Ya know, when I imagine myself as a dad, I'm there, for everything. Dance recitals, soccer matches, whenever they fall and hurt themselves, every time they're scared of the bogey man...I'm there, every time, and I can't do that if I'm still here. I just couldn't do it." Matt's words made my heart swell, this man really was just perfection in itself. "And looking at the schedule, October is going to be the best time, given they're having a couple months off after. I don't want to leave in the height of show's and tours."
"Nah, that's cool man, we respect your choice, we're just gutted to see you go that's all." Keith gave us a small, slightly sad smile.
For me, going wasn't exactly an easy decision, I loved everyone here, I love my job to no end, I'd missed being as close as I am to Alex again, he was my best friend. But, if Matt was ready, and he was ready to start a life with me, then I was too, so when it boiled down to it, if he was going, I was too. I'd still see the guys as much as we could, and whenever they where home, and skype, texts all that.
"I guess this mean's you're leaving with him too El?" Nano asked.
"Yeah, as much as I adore you guys, and the others, and my job, it just wouldn't be right without Matt. How you guy's do it with your girlfriends, wives whatnot, I don't know, Matt didn't ask me to leave with him, but when it boiled down to it, it was a no brainer for me, as much as leaving is going to suck."
"You may have no been with us long Ellie, but you quickly became a part of this family and we love you. We're loosing two of our best, but we fully respect your choice, you two will always be welcome to come join us whenever you like for however long. There will always be room for you two around." Keith smiled. "If you need a hand with new job's just let me know yeah?"
"We will, thanks for understanding."
"Of course Matt, it's not a problem, we get it." Nano nodded.
"Ok, I'm going to have to ask you to keep this to yourselves, just for now. We obviously got to sort out all the minor details, and I need to get on finding replacements. I know we still got...what it's Febuary now, soooo, like eight months, but they're not easy tasks. Especially as you Matt, you're the original crew member, the very first, and you Ellie, you're a star here, one of our hardest workers and you're brilliant at your job. So filling both your boots won't be easy that's for sure. But yeah, once we got the minor details sorted you're free to tell the others."
"Sure." Matt nodded in agreement.
I had to admit it, now it was official, I was feeling pretty bummed out about it, but I knew it was the right choice if I wanted a future with Matt, it what we both wanted.
"Alright, go on, go join the others, I believe they're going out?"
"Yeah." I laughed. "Piss up."
"Yeah, go on, go have fun with them, me and Nano will join you guys a bit later, we just got a few bits to sort out for the next leg. You done all your bits Matt?"
"I have." He nodded.
"Sweet, alright, we'll see you two in a bit." Nano smiled, we thanked them again, said goodbye and left.
"So, how you feeling?" Matt wrapped his arms around me once we where back in our room.
"A little bummed, but I know it's the right decision."
"We can hold off..."
"No, even if we waited another year or two, leaving's still going to suck." I gave a small laugh.
"Yeah, that's true, shall we get ready then?"
"Yeah." I gave him a smile and pecked his lips before we got ourselves ready and met everyone else.

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