Chapter 11

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  "Mattyyyy mouseeee!" I called as I saw Matt standing just a few meters away. He held up on finger to the guy he was talking to and ran over.
"There's my Tigger." He smiled kissing me. "How was lunch?"
"Oh, yeah, it was good." I bit my lip.
He raised an eyebrow "What happened?"
"Well, uh, Ben didn't take the news so well, everyone else was happy but, Ben's a bit...uh, hot headed and he likes to, well, be a drama queen. Andddd he's now refusing to come here, Jay's tyring to talk sense into him but at the moment, he's not having much success."
"Oh..." Matt chewed his lip ring, looking down at the floor.
"He'll be fine Matt, don't worry, it's typical Ben."
"I-I just don't want you loosing a friend over...well, me."
I gave a little laugh. "Yeah, I wish it where that easy to get rid of Ben...he'll cool off and realize he's been an idiot, he always does, trust me. He'll never turn his back on me, as much as he's wanted too at time, I haven't always been the perfect friend you know. It'll be ok Matt, I'm in this, this was my choice, no one else, I made this choice on my own. I may have had advice off Hayley, off mum, but I still decided of my own terms ok? And nothing is going to change my mind ok? This is a dream come true for me Matt, and you, you just make it that  much more worth it. So don't let Ben's little strop make you start doubting ok?"
"Ok, I-I just know how much your giving up for me, you're moving to an entirely different country, thousands of miles away from your life and here's me...the same Matt I've always been, doing nothing."
"Oh my god Matthew seriously! You're not doing nothing you're making me happy! You did what you could to make sure I could stay here. You gave me this opportunity in the first place, you want to know what I'd be doing if you hadn't? Working behind a bar, getting hit on my dirty drunk men, desperately trying to find a job that I'd probably end up having to move for anyway. Essex isn't exactly a musically inclined area, so I'd of probably had to have moved my ass to central London, or Brighton, Manchester, or wherever anyway. Yes ok, this is a much bigger move but that's besides the point. I'm giving nothing up, I'm still going to have my family, my friends, the only thing I'm actually giving up is a tiny apartment and a shitty job. But, with that, I'm gaining a dream job and a pretty awesome house and house mates, a chance to be with my bestest friend, three new best friends, other pretty awesome friends in the crew and most of all, I'm gaining you! And Matt, I told you I was doing this with or without you anyway, everything is so...small in England, there's naff all opportunities at home. You have to be more then lucky to end up in the area you want. You know Jay? He didn't want to be a Front of House sound tech, he wanted to be something completely different. He studied building and plumbing for god sake, he started off as an intern at the venue just because that's the only job he could get to support him through his course, music, drumming and teching where just hobbies that he wanted to keep as hobbies. Once his course was done, he tried so hard to get into the area he wanted, but he had zero luck he tried so hard, so he settled for the second option, which is what he's doing now. And do you know how hard he had to work to even get where he is there? It was a nightmare for him. Don't get me wrong, he loves doing what he's doing, but it was plan B for him. This...this is plan A for me, and I'm getting my dream, this, us, it just makes it that much more worthwhile and giving me more then I could have ever dreamed for ok? So please, don't feel bad, or guilty, or doubt it, because this is what I want, I'm following my heart, just like Amanda would."
"I-I love you so much Ellie." He grabbed my face and pulled my lips to his. "I promise to make you the happiest woman on earth, for the rest of my life, no matter what it takes."
"You already do baby." I smiled.
"Is that how you feel?" The sudden voice made me jump and spin around. "Is that how you really feel, in your heart?"
"Yes Ben, and if you listened to me earlier, you'd know that." I sighed.
"Matt...look me in the eye and tell me you aren't going to make Ellie regret this. Look me and tell me that you aren't going to put her though what my ex put me through. I moved myself to be with someone who I thought loved me, and she ended up making me loose everything except Hayley, Ellie and Jay. I lost so many friend, I lost two jobs, I lost my home, and then my home I had with her, she ripped everything out from under me and I am not going to stand by and see that happen to Ellie. As much as we fight and argue, I love her and she deserves the best of everything, I cannot see her hurt like I did, like she's been hurt before. She's cried too many tears in her life because of other people, I can't see it happen again."
"Ben, I promise, I love Ellie more then I've ever loved anyone or anything. I know how it feels to have someone rip your whole life out from underneath you, my ex did it to me. I thought I loved her, but Ellie, she proved me wrong, I love her more then life itself. For me, know I know a life with her, there is no life without her, period." Matt's words brought tears to my eyes, Ben stood there, staring at Matt for a moment and suddenly flew his arms around me.
"I'm so sorry Ellie, I was an idiot."
"It's okay, I know it's just because you care."
"Doesn't make it acceptable El, you got a good guy there, don't let him go."
"Don't worry, I won't." I laughed through tears.
"I'm going to miss you."
"Hey, I'll be back for Christmas and New years, and we can text, facebook, talk all the time ok? You think just because I'm not in Essex anymore I'm not going to annoy the shit out of you all the time? It's not that easy to rid of me, you should know that by now."
"Yeah I know." He chuckled. "I'll let you get back to work, I'll be on the bus."
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit." I nodded and he walked off.
"You really have got some amazing friends you know that?" Matt gave me a small smile, using his thumb to wipe away the tears.
"I know, as annoying as they are." I laughed.
"Ahh, but that's what friends are there for, if they don't annoy the hell out of you on the best of days, they're not true friends."
"Very true." I nodded. "Anyway, I was going to tell you I signed all the papers with Keith, just got to wait for my visa papers now and it's all set."
"That's amazing! I'm so happy!" He wrapped his arms around me, resting his forehead on mine.
"I am too baby. We better get back to work."
"Yeah, I'll catch you in a bit ok? I love you."
"I love you too." I tilted my head to kiss him and got back to work.

This one's for you ~Matt Flyzik~Where stories live. Discover now