Chapter 4

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  Matt's POV

What was this? I barely slept a wink last night! I couldn't get Ellie out of my head, the way she got so into the game, the way she laughed, the way she smiled, the way she just seemed so...relaxed. Not to mention, Alex was probably up there with her, cuddling the hell outta her and I'll be honest, it made me a little jealous, I wanted to do that. And her accent, my god her accent! Dammit, what's wrong with me? I never get like this over a girl, especially one I know isn't going to be around for long, I don't tend to attach myself so easy, especially after my lovely ex fiance screwed me. But I don't know, she just, she seems to have this hold on me, and I wasn't sure if I could make it though the next few months being constantly around her, then have her ripped away when she moves back home.

Matt you're acting like a twat! I groaned, running my hands through my hair. No, It'll be fine, I'll be busy coaching Hayley for the next month, along with everything else I do, I'll be busy, I'll be distracted, it'll be ok, it's just a crush...god I sound like I'm in primary school right now.
I looked at my phone, ten past eight, awesome, I was about to curl back under the duven when I heard someone come down stairs and head into the kitchen. I knew for sure it wasn't going to be Alex or Zack, they wouldn't wake up until at least ten, so I figured it was Hayley or Ellie. I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kitchen and my heart skipped for a moment when I saw her standing there, in an All Time Low top and short shorts on, searching around the kitchen.
"You want a hand finding something?" I gave a small laugh as I stood arms folded in the door way.
She jumped and spun around. "Oh, uh, sorry, didn't realize anyone else was awake."
"It's ok, sorry for making you jump."
"It's fine, uh, I'd offer to make you a drink, but apparently I can't find anything to make myself one at this current point in time."
"I'll make them, what you want?"
"Uh, tea please, milk, two sugars and PLEASE put the milk in last, some people put it in before and it ruins it!" She pouted, god she looked so cute.
"Well, you can supervise, make sure I make it right."
"You can't be worse then Ben, by god even when he does it as per don't taste good."
"So, uh, is this Ben guy your boyfriend?"
"Oh, god good no! God I'd hate to see how that would pan out, we're always at each others throats as it is." She laughed, god her laugh was so musical. "He's an amazing friend and all, but we're chalk and cheese at the best of times. When we get on, we're a house on fire, but we when don't...well as Hayley has said, we could cause the end of the world."
"Ahhh, kinda like Jack and Alex...they can be like that." I switched on the kettle and grabbed the mugs from the cupboard as she sat herself up on one of the counters behind me.

"Yeah, I've heard them at it over skype, it's rather amusing to listen too."
"It's amusing to watch, get the popcorn out and enjoy the live entertainment, although sometimes you just want to knock their heads together...Or throw one of them, or both, off the bus."
"Yeah, that doesn't suprise me, known Alex twenty four years, don't ask me how I've survived."
"So, uh, do you have a boyfriend back home?" Please say no, please say no, pleassse say no!
She burst out laughing. "No, no, nooooo! Ask Alex, I have frikking awful luck in that department, always end up with the total jerks. Plus in my old job, all I ever met was drunken idiots who'd clearly had one too many and could do with a damn good shower."
"Ahh yeah, you bar tended at a venue didn't you?"
"That's the one, I loved it and all, but god people are idiots when they've drunk too much. See me, I can actually handle my beer, not that I drink often."
"Not a big drinker huh?"
"I'll have a couple sure, but after the faithful hangover of 2010, nope!"
"A killer then?"
"Two days straight I was dying, chucking my guts up, just the sight of beer made me wanna gag for like a week!"
"Ouch! So you a beer girl then?"
"Only thing I drink, well I'll have a JD and coke if it's going but yup, beer's the only booze for me!"
"Gotta love a girl who drinks her beer! And games too!" I turned to face her to see her blushing.
"Yeah, well, you should see me on Tomb Raider or Resident Evil, those two I really kick ass on!"
"Well, you'll have to show me sometime won't you."
"Oh I'm sure I can arrange that, I'm not going anywhere for a while."
God I hope not! God those lips, they look so... Shit, I needed to change the subject. "Right, so Tea bag, sugar, hot water then milk right?"
"That is correct." She smiled. And with that the kettle clicked. Just then I heard a phone go off. "Shit, sorry." She dug her phone out and answered.

This one's for you ~Matt Flyzik~Where stories live. Discover now