Jeon Jungkook

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Taehyung's pov

Jungkook and I have been interested in each other for a while. We started talking four months ago. But there's someone who is also interested in Jungkook. My brother confessed to me that he was interested in him. Ever since this happened, I've been so confused about everything. I see Jungkook talking to him sometimes and I know he can't control the way he acts. He's too friendly. I don't want to be jealous. I hate the heavy feeling in my chest and stomach.

I held my books tightly once I saw Jungkook and my brother talking. Eunwoo likes the attention. I can tell by the way he's smiling. I'm scared to confront Jungkook about the way I feel. What if he thinks I'm crazy or obsess with him. He called me last night asking me 'what's wrong' the whole time. I felt happy knowing that he worries about me.

Jungkook looked my way and bid his goodbye to Eunwoo. My brother glanced at me and I knew he was upset. I bet Jungkook knows he's interested in him too. It's not that hard to notice. "Hey Tae", he greeted. I hummed in response. "Still upset?"

"I was never upset," I said. He continued talking, but my mind was too distracted by Eunwoo. What if him and Jungkook were talking behind my back? Or what if Jungkook is playing with me? I've never felt like this before. It's been a while since I've started to be interested in someone.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked with a worried tone. Before I can answer, the bell rang. I quickly bid my farewell and went to class.


I'm scared. Feeling anxious over someone I like a lot because he keeps talking to my brother? In other words..flirting?..that's right though. I only 'like' Jungkook. So is it even worth fighting for him? I've learned a lot from my past relationships.

I headed towards the bathroom but soon stopped once I heard Eunwoo and Jungkook laughing in his room. So that's why Jungkook didn't call me at all today. I felt my chest getting heavy. I hate playing the rival game. Out of the both of us..Jungkook likes Eunwoo better. The more I look at it, those two look more like a couple than Jungkook and I. They're always together. I already know who he's going to end up with. I might as well end it here.

I laid on my bed and let out a deep sigh. I closed my eyes while thinking about everything. I hate this feeling. I never realized I was crying. I laughed a little at how immature I was acting. I covered my eyes with my arm and continued letting the tears out. I don't want to end it with Jungkook, but I have to. I hate the feeling of being hurt and confused all the time. I've never felt so defeated till now. My brother gets everything he wants.

He knew that I wasn't selfish like him. He always seemed to hate me. I didn't really care because I'm still trying to fix myself. But Jungkook did make me happy. I always loved it when he would call me right after school. He used to be clingy to me, but I'm starting to see it less. To be honest, I liked the attention too.

I already miss him. Maybe I am obsessed with him and didn't realize. "Can I borrow your textbook," Eunwoo said without knocking. "Can't you knock?" I said a little harshly. I didn't show my crying face. I stared at my wall, hoping that he would leave quickly. "It's on my desk," I said.

"Jungkook's helping me with my physics homework," he laughed. I tried to ignore him. "But he keeps showing me his new hairstyle," they're on video call. Jungkook never told me he got a new hairstyle. He usually tells me things first. Eunwoo was about to continue, but I stopped him. I got off the bed and looked at him.

He knew what was wrong. "Get out," I said. He laughed once again and walked out. I locked the door and slid to the grown. I let it out once again.


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