Ch. 1

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Ch.1 *Adrian*

I hate beer.

I hate parties.

Yet I find myself at a party filled with teens getting drunk off beer.

Thank God I leave in three months. No longer will I be pulled into any of their stupid drama.

"Yo Adrian." I hear the voice of my best friend.

"Hello Theo," I greet the curly hair boy back.

Ever since we were little, he's been the life of the party. It doesn't matter if it's a potluck or a wedding, the moment Theo walks in, the whole atmosphere changes.

Honestly, I'm not sure how we are friends, we're pretty different people, but I'm not complaining. He's got my back and I've got his.

Theo drunkenly wraps his arm around me. He's pretty annoying when he's drunk. "What's in there?" He asks, pointing to the steel gray flask in my hand. The stench of beer on his breath almost made me gag.

"Water," I respond.

"I know damn well there's no water in there. Fool you tryna who?"


"I meant, who you tryna fool," he is definitely drunk, "anyways, I came into this lifeless kitchen, to tell you something very important."

"What is it?" I ask, sipping my special water.

"Your one true love is back."

"I don't ha-"

"Sabrina Diop! Aka my beloved cousin."

The second he utters that forbidden name, my heart stops, "Sabrina?" Why would she come back? "I just graduated high school, the most dramatic 4 years of my life and now Sabrina is back." I grab the beer that mysteriously got in his hand and takes a swig. "This truly is disgusting," I say trying not to gag as I hand the beer back.

Theo shrugs and takes a swig, "Drink it until it tastes good. Anyways don't change the subject, Sabrina's back."

"I don't care."

"Sure." He says in a strange voice.


"Oh, nothing, nothing at all." After a decade-plus of friendship, I could recognize that an awful sweetness in his voice. He was clearly withholding important information.

"Spit it out."

"Spit what out?" I roll my eyes, if he was sober I'd try to get it out, but there's no point in arguing with a drunk Theo.

Instead, I shrug and lean against the counter. Theo also shrugs before skipping off into the sea of drunkards.

The majority of the partiers are the children of some of the most powerful human beings in the country and possibly the world. I'm talking politicians, CEOs, lawyers, surgeons, so on and so forth. But I'd doubt you could tell if you saw them, even I couldn't when I first walked in.

I don't know if their actions are a good thing or not. In the eyes of their parents and the world, they're disgracing the legacy they were born into. To some extent, I agree. I'm mean who would want a half-naked, blacked-out teen to be the poster child of Worthington, an oil family? No fucking body.

But then again, these "late-night activities", or whatever you'd like to call them, are an escape. During the day they put on a facade: they're seen as perfect kids, living a perfect luxurious life when in fact, it's anything but. At night, they can let go and do whatever the fuck they want. But some of them take it too damn far.

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