Chapter 8 - Love Song

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"There is safety in reserve, but no attraction. One cannot love a reserved person." - Jane Austen

The walk to the parlor room was short and quick. I hoped the hall would lengthen by some unknown magic, and I would not have to sing. I also hoped Caroline would fall ill, retire to her chamber, and drop dead, but wishful thinking could only carry me so far. I was stuck in a predicament and had to perform in front of the greatest literary characters the world had ever known. To say I was suffering from stage fright was an understatement. What was worse than stage fright?

We entered the parlor room. It was like my guest room with rows of pillars with one minor change. This room boasted golden velvet-lined walls. Compelled, I reached out to touch the wall under Darcy's scrutinizing stare. The texture was soft and scratchy. I don't know why I felt obliged to caress it but, how often do you see a velvet wall? When there's a velvet wall, you have to touch it! I was sure I had made myself seem a gold-digger even though I was not. I turned away from the wall and noticed all were looking at me.

"Miss Elizabeth," Caroline smiled, "Will you do us the honor of beginning our little concert?"

I nervously looked down, "I don't know what to sing."

"Sing whatever you wish," Caroline pressed. "We are all friends here."

Friends, that so-called word in this situation was a thinly-veiled insult. What was it with this woman? I mean, when I said I could not sing, I sure as bloody hell meant it! She was set on embarrassing me. I was not a horrible singer. But, I was not going to gain any accolades for it either.

"Perhaps," Darcy suggested, "Miss Caroline should accompany her."

Was that a challenge from Darcy? "Mr. Darcy," I sent him a thin smile, "that will not be necessary."

I went to the front of the room. The rest of the party sat down in the wooden chairs facing the piano. I took a deep breath and found my hands were shaking. My heart drummed in my chest, and it felt as though it was going to burst out. I laid my hand on my chest to steady myself, and Mr. Darcy stood up, concern upon his features.

"Miss Elizabeth," he asked, "are you well?"

"I'm fine, Mr. Darcy."

He sat back down with a frown upon his lips as if he did not believe me. Sifting through music sheets, I chose a song that seemed uncomplicated. Thank goodness for music class when I was younger! I suppose every good boy does fine did stick with me, after all. I started to sing in a small voice. Caroline yawned and fanned herself in boredom. Everyone else looked uninterested, and it was no wonder with this tedious song. I stopped singing and found myself looking down at the music sheet.

"Why did you stop?" Caroline tilted her head, "You were doing so well."

"I do not care for this song," I admitted, "In all honesty, this song is dull. Let me show all of you what a good song is."

I racked my brain trying to think of an appropriate song. Only one was stuck in my head, and it was from my world. It was the last song I had heard on the radio. I knew I was going to shock the pants off them. Love was a universal, ancient feeling, and everyone knew it, but no one dared discuss it. Still, having it put on display would have been too much for these painted peacocks to handle. I could not sing about something I knew nothing about, but every song I knew was a love song. It was unavoidable.

I moved toward the pianoforte (which was a fancier name for a piano). I started to sing again.

Oh, oh

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