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"So..Hey (y/n), what's Earth like? I know you dont like to talk about where you come from in all but I am curious."
SheRa looked at you.
She has feelings toward you but doesnt know how to express them.
She wants to get to the root of why you are so down so she can be your hero and not just a friend.
You look at her and sigh.
"Well its not much to talk about. It's basically like your planet..I guess."
"(Y/n) you know what I mean. What was it like for you?"
She crosses her arms.
You simply say.
"Well, it's not something I want to talk about. My issues dont mean anything really."
You smile.
She sighs.
"Why would you say that? They meen everything to us! .....You meen everything to me..."
She mumbles.
"Do you really want to know? It's not like you could help me."
She nods.
You role your eyes.
"Fine...I was bullied okay? More than that I was physically beaten by them. And I couldn't stand up for myself. If I did I would get in trouble. Looking back at it...I got in trouble when I didnt do anything..I would get thrown into a dark room for days on end! It was awful! All my friends left me, my family...Gone...I had no one! I-I had to leave...I couldnt..."
You stop yourself and choked back tears.
You hated yourself.
A low life...
You didnt even know why any of your friends here would hang with you.
"I-I didnt know. I'm so sorry (y/n)."
She wraps her arms around you.
You try to push her away.
You are not used to any of this.
Having friends.
A crush...
Yes you liked her.
That's why you wanted to get away.
"Dont push away, you know I'll hug tighter if you do."
She laughs a little.
You eventually stop reaisting.
"Listen (y/n), I have had a hard life to. I want to help you any way I can. You have helped me with so much. I just cant see you like this. You beat yourself up more often than not and it breaks me."
She pulls away gently and kisses your forehead.
You blush and smile faintly.
"Theres my little smile. You need to do that more often."
You smile and reach up to cup her face.
"Then can I..."
You pull her face down and kiss her deeply.
A few seconds later she kisses back.
You pull away from eachother.
"Well I didn't see that coming but if it makes you smile then..."
She pulls your waist against her and kisses you again.
You blush madly.
A few minutes go by.
You were speechless.
You didnt think she would do that to you let alone let you do it to her.
"S-SheRa I-"
"I like you (y/n)."
She held your hands.
"I-I like you to."
You smile.
"Wanna go on a proper date or make out in the woods?"
She laughs.
"Hmmmmm. Proper date?"
"Alright lets go!"
She picks you up and throws you over her shoulder.

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