30. (pt.14)

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"(Y/n), I-"
She sighs,
"I think I...Love you."
Your eyes widened and you shuck your head.
"No you dont, you are not in your right mind right now...Y-You are just nervous."
You extend your arms infront of you and look at her.
She looks at you and walks closer.
You stand up and walk around her and back into the wall behind you.
"(Y/n), please just listen to me!"
She slams both of her hands on both sides of you.
"I-I really care about you. Adora is my girlfriend and I love her to death but she doesnt make me feel the same way you do."
Her sharp claws dig into the walls beside you.
You blush and breath heavily.
Of course you were scared!
She was your best friend and she was confessing her feelings to you.
"C-Catra I--"
You stiffen up, her lips were on yours.
She gently runs her leg up the middle of your dress.
You knew what she was doing.
You push her off of you.
"Catra get off of me!"
You start to cry.
"You dont love me you love Adora! Marry Adora please!"
She growls and slams your body against the wall.
It gets hard to breath and you start to feel nauseous.
You gulp.
"(Y/n) are you okay?"
Your head starts to spin and you pass out in her arms.
Catra quickly picked you up and rushed you into the ball room.
"Someone help her!"
Catra was in a panic.
She dropped you on accident making people panic.
"Catra what the fuck happened?!"
Glimmer rushed to your side lifting your head up.
You were breathing, but very faintly.
"Glimmer what do we do?! S-Shes so pale...G-Glimmer...."
Frosta was concerned about you, taking your hand and pressing it to her cheek.
"Frosta, I dont know..We just have to get her to her bed for now till I can figure something out."
Glimmer picked you up by your waist and dragged you out of the ball room.
Everyone was in shock.
Adoras eyes were brimming with tears.
She looked over at Catra who was stunned.
"Catra. What did you do to her?! I saw you drag her out of here and now she might be dying!"
She grabbed both of Catras shoulders and shuck her violently.
"What happened?!?"
She screamed.
Catra pushed her,
"I dont fucking know! We were talking and the next think I know she was passed out!"
Adora was furious.
"Oh and she just randomly passed out infront of you?! Catra I know better than that! You probably scared her and she got nervous!"
Catras eyes widened and she pushed Adora to the ground.
"You know I would never hurt her you fucking bitch! You know me better than that! She is my fucking best friend and I would do anything to protect her!"
Catra took off after Glimmer leaving Adora shocked.
Catra rushed down the hall to your room.
She slammed your door opened and saw Glimmer rubbing your head and placing a warm rag over your eyes.
"Sparkles, get out."
She looked up.
"Excuse me?"
She said.
Catra said irritated.
"No. I am not--"
Befor she could finish her sentence Catra had her by the arm.
Dragging her and throwing her outside the room.
She slammed the door in her face.
Glimmer was concerned for both you and Catra.
"Oh (y/n) I am so sorry.."
Catra nealed down beside your bed and grabbed your hand.
"Please, be okay."

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