30 (pt.10)

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You were in the kitchen.
You had no idea what you could do or cook at all!
It's not like you had never cooked befor but you had never made you know...
Every dish you could possibly think of for a party.
You push your finger to your chin and spin around.
"Cake? Cupcakes? Tiny meals? Shrimp? Anything?!"
You were panicking.
Who were you kidding!
You couldnt do this on your own.
It was to stressful!
You climb on the counter to get a bowl off the top shelf.
BIG mistake.
You fall back into someone's embrace.
"Hey! Dont do that! I was just getting something!"
You cross your arms.
You knew who it was.
It was just Adora passing through and scaring you unexpectedly.
"You almost gave me a heart attack! Why wont you just ask for help. You are small. You cant just do stuff like that!"
You roll your eyes.
"Newsflash Adora, I said I would do this myself so that's what I planned on doing! I dont need help! Glimmer said I could plan the party on my own!"
You squirm.
Adoras grip tightens around your waist.
"There is nothing wrong with asking for a little help. Partys are not easy to plan. Especially not by yourself."
You blush.
You had to admit you liked being held like this.
It made you feel warm.
But it was Adora.
"Um, you can let me go now..."
You turn your head to look at her.
She realised what was happening and quickly let go of you.
"I'm sorry."
She blushed.
"Its quite alright Adora."
You smiled.
"Hey (y/n), can I ask you something?"
You nod.
"Well, I want to ask Catra to you know...Marry me? But I just dont know how..."
You press your finger to your chin.
"Hmmm, maybe at the party tonight. You could ask her to dance? And maybe on the dancefloor you could ask. It would be romantic!"
You smile and clap your hands.
"Adora, I have something for you. Just for the moment she says yes. I have been saving it for this moment!"
You reach around your back and pull out a small box.
"Its a ring. Maybe an engagement ring if you dont have one yet that-"
She hugs you tightly.
You hug back and smile.
"Thank you (y/n)."
"You are so very welcome Adora!"
You squirm again.
"Um Adora, you are hugging me a little tight...My stomach is hurting alot today so dont hurt me."
She pulls away again and presses her hand against your stomach.
"It is better than it has been Adora..Dont worry."
You cracked a small smile.
You hated lying to her but it would put her mind at ease.
"Okay (y/n)."
She smiled back.
"Okay well I'll see you tonight Adora! The party is in 3 days you better be ready!"
"Okay (y/n), I'll come check on you later."
You smile.
"Later (y/n)."

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