30 (pt.12)

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"Glimmer! Here is your princess prom dress! I stitched it up and added a few changes I hope you dont mind!"
You smile and press it to your chest and spin around.
"Huh? Huh?"
You smile,
"Good right?"
She blushed.
"You really want me to wear that?"
You nod and walk over to her.
"Yeah I mean...You never had the proper princess prom you wanted or in your case "queen" prom now."
You giggle.
She blushed more and takes it out of your hands.
"Well okay. If you insist."
She smiled and patts your head.
You run to your closet.
"Okay here's mine!"

You quickly throw your dress on and jump out of the closet

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You quickly throw your dress on and jump out of the closet.
You swayed your hips back and forth.
Glimmer smiled and grabbed your hand and twirled you around.
"You look perfect (y/n)."
She kissed your hand.
"Little princess."
You giggle.
"Well common!"
You jump up and down and run over to the door, opening it, and running down the stairs.
"(Y/n)! Be careful!"
She frantically ran after you chasing you into the ballroom.
You literally run into Adora who looked kind of...Concerned.
"(Y/n), dont run please. We dont know what triggers that thing inside of you okay?"
She grabs your shoulders and pulls you in for a hug.
You smile and hug her back.
You glance over and notice Catra starring at you.
"H-Hey Catra looks upset that you are holding me."
Adora looks over at her girlfriend and let's you go.
"Oh right...Sorry (y/n)."
"Its alright!"
You smile.
You run over to Catra and hug her quickly.
"Hey Catra! Wow you look dashing!"
You giggle.
You could see the deep blush on her face it made you happy to see her in a good mood.
"Are you feeling okay today (y/n)? You look so..Beautiful."
You nod and grap her hands.
"I wanna dance Catra!"
She nods and grabs your waist.
It made you stiffen up a bit.
You had not danced in a while and it was a little weird but you brushed it off.
You wanted to have fun.
"Listen princess (y/n)...I..."
She blushed.
She swayed your hips back and forth.
"Y-you are a natural (y/n)."
She smiled.
You let out a laugh.
"Well I wouldn't say that."
You look up at her.
You felt uncomfortable for some reason.
It felt odd.
You realised she was kind of leaning in like she was going to..
Kiss you?
As she got closer the song stopped.
You pull away and blush.
"W-Well I have to get back to Adora and the others. S-See you later."
You quickly get out of the situation and run over to the others.
'Wow, I am glad I got out of that. What was she doing. I cant let her do this to her relationship Adora would be crushed! I have got to get them engaged tonight if it's the last thing I do."

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