30. (pt.7)

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It was later that night.
It was oddly cold.
Which was strange you never really got cold.
Maybe it was your body's 2ay of saying go to bed or something.
You had all kinds of new feelings.
New pains, emotions, moods.
Walking down the hall of your new home you were examining the walls.
You had such good people helping you build your dream house.
It was so amazing.
You had all of your friends pictures painted on the walls.
Just incase you couldnt leave the house that day.
You were so happy, yet there was something missing.
"Adora you forgot your painting. Why?"
You looked around for an open spot.
There was one right by your door.
You would demand she did one!
You would feel complete if she did.
And safe.
You jumped up and turned around quickly to see Catra standing behind you.
"You sneaky bitch!"
You punched her in the arm playfully and she hugged you.
You hadn't seen her in a while and it was good to see your friend.
"Hey (y/n)."
She pulled away and took both of your hands.
"How are you feeling? You are okay right? I mean Adora has been spending alot of time with you and one can wonder if you are okay."
She cracked a smile at you.
"I am fine. She can be a little posessive though. I mean I know I am sick and all but geez..Give a girl a break am I right?"
You laugh a little.
"How are you Catra?"
She rubs the back of your hands.
"I'm fine."
She looks at either side of your door.
"Yes Catra I had you painted on one side and Adora will be on the other side. I would feel safe like that."
You winked.
"Heh, yeah I see that..Listen (y/n), I know I haven't been the best of friends with you lately but could you and I maybe...I dont know go out some time? You know as friends.."
She scratched the back of her head.
"Of course!"
"Thanks, Adora has been fighting with me lately and it is making me crazy. Its mostly over you. I try to assure her that you will be okay but she just...Shuts down."
You sign.
You felt guilty because you felt like it was your fault she was that way now.
She was beginning to doubt.
You hugged Catra again, this time tighter.
You were glad you had the two of them.
The war was over and there was no worries on the horizon.
Other than being sick of course.
"(Y/n), dont ever loose yourself okay? You are so pure and honest. Loving as well and none of us want to loose that."
You nod.
"I promise Catra."
You couldnt help but think you were the luckiest person here.
The last thing on your mind at this moment was dying.
You finally felt happy.
"Thank you."
You whisper in her ear.
"No problem (y/n), I'll always be here for you."
She rubs your stomach.
"And whatever this is we will fight it together. Everyone is here for you. Remember that."
She cups your face and kisses your head.
"Who knew you had an affectionate side."
You laugh.
"Shut up."
She blushes.
"Thank you, Catra."

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