30. (pt.16)

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You slammed the door opened and crossed your arms.
"You two better get in there. You are hearing this to. I am not repeating myself!"
You growl.
Everyone turns around to look at you.
You were fuming.
"I am done with all of this shit! I am tired of everyone telling me what I can and cant do with my life! I am my own person. Just because all of you are quote on quote "friends" doesnt mean you can control me! You say you are looking out for my "well being" but you are really just prolonging my suffering."
Tears start to stream down your face.
Glimmer slides out of her seat and walks over to you trying to grab your hand.
You slap her hand away.
"Dont touch me!"
Her eyes widen.
"(Y/n), what's wrong wit--"
Your eyes snapped over to Netossa and Spinnerella.
"You guys dont know me. My life is coming to an end. I give up! So much pain and heart ache because of me. You worry about something that will happen eventually."
You growl.
"I dont want to...Live like this. I have lost hope. If there was a cure it would have come up by now. Especially with Glimmer in charge."
You lower your eyes.
"I refuse to do anything else to prolong my suffering. I am giving up and there is nothing any of you can do to change my mind."
"(Y/n), are you really that selfish?"
Adora spoke up walking over to you.
"All of us...We need you. You want to do this to us? You are just going to give up?"
"No Glimmer, stay the fuck out of this. You are the strongest person I know. And this is coming from She Ra to. This isnt the (y/n) any of us know."
Adora gripped your shoulders.
"If you give up...I...Cant be friends with you...I couldnt watch you fall apart."
You shake your head crying.
"Its not giving up if I just want to live my life to the fullest Adora! You dont understand what I am going through! I am in pain constantly! I tell you I am okay but I'm not okay?! I'm just not! I want to be happy with my friends not have all of them worried about me!"
You pushed Adora away and pushed your head into your hands.
Everyone was stunned.
"(Y-Y/n), you cant give up please."
Perfuma grabbed you from behind and buried her head into your shoulder.
"I know it is hard. Okay? But without you everyone would be lost. We love you. So please...for us...And if not for us for Frosta...You are like a mother to her and she doesnt want to loose you. She was a wreck when you were out. She needs you in her life okay?"
You are shaking.
Your body is about to colapse.
Not of pain but an over welming amount of support.
You broke down.
You look up from your hands and over at Catra.
"We love you. You will never be a burden."
Catra walks over to you and cups your face.
"If anything you are stress relief for us. I mean..Remember when Entrapta had that panick attack and everyone was freaking out. You stayed calm and managed to calm her down. And dont get me started on Frosta."
Catra smirked.
Frosta crossed her arms.
"Just saying. You are a part of all of us. Promise us you will try for atleast a little longer."
Your eyes wonder around the room and back at Catra.
"For a little while..Longer."
You breath out shakily.
Catra nods.

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