30. (pt.18)

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"Glimmer common! I have limited time here I want to have fun!"
You grabbed both of her hands and back up over the rocks in the pond.
She hesitantly grabbed your hands not knowing what you were doing.
It was dangerous!
"Hey (y/n), are you okay?"
She asked making you sigh.
You stop in your tracks and roll your eyes.
"No, I am pissed! I am trying to make everything right but it just goes to hell! I am trying to get Adora and Catra married and it just went to fucking shit! Why do I even bother doing anything I just fuck up!"
You blurted out.
She tilted her head.
"You dont fuck everything up. You care and thats all that matters. You are so sweet and they know that you are trying to help. They are just mad right now I guess okay? It's not you though..Its them."
She gently pulls you into her chest.
You sigh.
"Right. Like I am not the source of the anger they have toward eachother right now. They both fucking like me and it just...Screws everything up."
Tears begin to stream down your cheeks.
She strokes your hair and tries to calm you down.
You start to panic.
"What if I fucked up? Why do I even exist I shouldn't exist! I hurt people and cause anger! Why am I so hated! I hate myself!"
You scream into her chest.
She squeezes you tighter not letting go.
"Dont say that about yourself! Stop it you are not a fuck up you are perfect! Without you no one would have survived anything! You make us happy and give us hope. So please stop this! It's the stupid sickness talking this is not you!"
You blush madly.
"E-Everyone keeps saying that! Stop stop stop!!"
You hit her chest.
Your cheeks are flushed and your tears are far from stopping.
"Glimmer I dont know what to do. I feel happy then I loose it. I feel so worthless and depressed so much I cant--"
//There may be a little comfort kissing going on in this chapter between Glimmer and (y/n) but they will not be a thing. She just tries to make (y/n) happy.💕//
"(Y/n), let me tell you something. You are going through hell and I get that..But you are...Dare I say this..The strongest person I know. I have never seen someone like you go through something like this and be so calm. You know you may die...But you are still content with it. It's okay to be scared but dont you EVER say you are worthless! You are amazing. Do you know why everyone is like this? I-I am even angry sometimes with you I just dont show it..A-And Bow is to..You are negative tword yourself and it makes us angry. You are so strong but you put yourself down all the time. You dont give yourself credit for what you have been through. Yes we have been through alot but we dont have a parasite growing inside of us...You try to make the best of everything even in awful situations. We wont give up on you no matter how hard it gets."
She blushed.
You finally stopped crying and a light blush made it's way to your cheeks.
She smiled a little and picked you up.
"May I?"
You nod.
"Y-Yes Glimmer."
She carried you over to the other side.
Setting you down.
"Didnt want you to fall."
She laughed.
You grabbed your arm and nodded again.
"Thanks..Glimmer for..Everything."
"Of course! And dont worry. I'll talk to those two."
You smiled.
"Hey (y/n)?"
She leaned in closer to you.
You replied.
Her lips made contact with yours making you blush.
She pulled away a few seconds later.
You touch your lips.
"Now let's get back. We have been out here long enough and I want you to rest."
You giggle.
"Okay Glimmer."
She grabbed your hand and lead you back to Brightmoon.

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