30. (pt.15)

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It has been a few weeks and everyone is panicking.
You had just woken up and no one noticed yet.
You sit up in your bed and look around.
"Hm...Should I..."
You say to yourself as you stand up and walk over to the balcony next to your bed.
You open the door and look out.
The warmth on your skin made you feel amazing.
"Hm I wonder where everyone is.."
You walk over to the door that leads to the hallway.
You hold your stomach and walk around the halls looking for someone to atleast ask them what's going on.
"(Y/n)! You are okay!"
Frosta ran into you rapping her arms around your waist.
"Oof! Hey girlie, of course I am okay."
You smiled and patted her head.
"Literally everyone is worried about you, you should come see them! They are all in the dinning room talking about you!"
You tilt your head.
She takes your hand and leads you down the hall to the doors of the dining room.
"Are you sure I should go in there? No one exactly knows I have gotten up yet."
You let out a light giggle.
Frosta just smiles.
"Well yeah, if you are making literally all the princesses and everyone else worry they need to know you are okay!"
You nod and take a deep breath.
Just befor you could open the door,
You turn around.
You laugh as she runs up and hugs you.
"We have been worried about you! No one was telling me what was going on so that was making it worse! Oh (y/n) I am so glad you are okay!!"
She cried into your neck.
You laughed more.
"I am fine now, dont worry."
"(Y/n)! You are okay!!"
You laugh.
"Hey Scorpia, of course I am fine. Why wouldn't I-- Oh yeah.."
You pull away from Perfuma and look around.
"Is there anyone else out here I need to know about?"
You laugh a little.
"Nope just me and Perfuma! Should you be out of bed? Did you need something?"
You shake your head.
"I just wanted to get out. I need to walk around so I dont loose my ability to walk ya know."
The both nod.
"Well do you want to see everyone? They are all panicking after what happened to you and I think it would be good for them to see that you are okay."
Perfuma smiled.
"I guess. I really just want them to realise there is no point worrying about me. I am going to go sometime it's only life. I wont live forever and they need to get a grip on themselves."
You frowned and looked over at the door.
You could here mumbling and yelling at times.
They needed to get over it and you would put an end to this shit right now.
"I am going to tell all of them to knock it the fuck off. Would you two back me up on that or no? Are you like them on this? If so you need to come to. I have something to tell everyone."
You sigh and grab the handle.
You had to do this.
It was for their own good.
You took a deep breath and swung the doors opened.

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