30. (pt.13)

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//It looks like this will be a series! I mean since people like it so much! But dont worry I will still be taking requests! 😊\\

You hiccup.
You were a little tipsy.
You weren't old enough to drink but you thought what would be the harm!
"(Y/n), you shouldn't be drinking you are sick."
She takes the glass out of your hand.
You quickly stiffen up and put your hands behind your back.
You nod.
Something popped in your mind.
You had to get these two married as soon as possible but you had no idea how to do so.
"Oh Adoraaa, you *hickup* should propose to Catra liiiike noww.."
You blatantly say.
I mean how else would she know this party was partially for her and Catra.
"Wait what?"
Adora said confused.
"Yeahhh, I mean it's about time you two got hitched!"
You winked and leaned on Glimmer,
"Like these twoooooo."
You point at Glimmer and Bow.
They laughed a little bit.
You were being really funny.
"W-Well (y/n) I..."
She sighs.
"Okay (y/n), but I am nervous..What do I say to her? What if she says no?"
You shake your head,
"She wontt!"
You giggle.
Adora smiles.
"Okay...I'll do it."
You jumped up and down.
Everyone loved seeing you happy.
Especially since you never really smiled anymore.
You saw Catra and Adora in the middle of the room.
It was just so cute you couldnt help but smile!
Adora looked over at you nervously.
You nodded your head and did a "go on" motion with your hands.
She gulped and looked at her partner.
"Catra, um...I need to ask you something."
She looked at Adora and tilted her head.
"Yes Adora?"
Adora was sweating so much and her face was a heated red.
"W-Well...W-Will you...um...Marry me?"
Adora blushed.
Catra Sighed.
"Adora I-I just...I cant right now...I-I am sorry."
Adora looked crushed.
Your eyes widened.
What went wrong?
You felt like it was your fault for bringing up the situation!
You just wanted them to be happy.
Even happier than they were!
As your mind began to wonder you felt a hand grab your arm and rush you oug of the ball room.
It was Catra.
"Catra stop it! Let me go!"
You try pulling your arm away.
You are led into her and Adoras shared room.
You are slammed into a chair next to their bed.
The door is slammed shut.
"(Y/n), I-I cant take it anymore! You are my best friend. Without you I dont know what I will do! (Y/n) I love you! My feelings for Adora are strong and I will always love her but I...I cant live without you!"
She collapses infront of you and slams her head into your lap.
You stroke her hair gently.
You are in shock.
"C-Catra I-I love you as a friend..I am closer to you than most people but..I dont like you like that."
She lifted her head, tears streaming down her face.
You wiped the tears away with your thumbs, cupping her face.
"Please dont cry Catra..Let's talk about this."
She nods.

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