Chapter IV

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After taking in Petro as his Padawan Learner, Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett and Petro made their way to Boz Pity with a Clone Trooper battalion. When they landed on Boz Pity, A'Sharad led both his Padawan and his battalion to a Droid Factory that had been providing reinforcements to the Separatist occupation.  

Petro: So what's the plan, Master Hett?

Hett: We attack the Droid Factory and shut it down. This should weaken the Separatist forces occupying the system. Commander. What are the factory's defenses?

Clone Commander: The factory is crawling with clankers. They got the entire factory on lock down.  But intel has revealed that they're primarily focused on producing as much droids as possible to combat General Vos's forces. 

Hett: Then they won't be expecting a direct assault. We move immediately. 

Clone Commander: Yes sir!

After reaching a plan, Hett led his forces to the Droid Factory. Hett ignited his two green Lightsabers and rallied the Clones. 


Hett then led the charge. Petro ignited his blue Lightsaber and followed his master to battle. The Separatists were unprepared for the Republic assault.

Hett: Move forward men! To victory!

The battle soon raged in the Droid Factory. As the Republic forces were near victory, the Clone Commander recieved a call from his holoprojector which showed he holoimage of a hooded and scarred Chancellor Palpatine. 

Palpatine(Holoimage): Commander. The time has come. Execute Order 66.

Clone Commander: Yes my lord. 

The Clone Commander then turned his attention to Hett and Petro fighting Battle Droids side by side with the other Clone Troopers. Without hesitation, the Clone Commander turned to his troops. 

Clone Commander: Open fire! 

The Clones soon began firing on the two Jedi, but they were able to deflect the blaster fire. 

Hett: Commander! I am not your enemy!

Clone Commander: Eliminate the Jedi traitors!

Petro: Traitors?! What are you talking about?! We're not traitors! We're on your side!

As the Clones continued to open fire on the two Jedi, Hett quickly realized that this was a betrayal. 

Hett: Padawan! We have been betrayed! We must defend ourselves!

Hett and Petro began cutting through both Clone and Droid alike. Petro was confused as to why this was happening. 

Petro: Why is this happening?! What's gotten into the Clones, master?!

Hett could not answer his Padawan as they defended themselves from the Clones. Soon enough, all the Clones were dead. Petro was in a state of absolute shock. 

Petro: Why did they turn on us? This has to be some kind of mistake!

Hett looks around the Droid Factory to see all the bodies of the Clones they had just fought side by side with. It didn't take long for Hett to piece together what was going on.

Hett: The Clones have betrayed us. The Jedi Order has been betrayed.

When Hett said that, Petro's thoughts immediately fell on Katooni and the rest of the Kybuck Clan who he last saw in the Jedi Temple. If the Clones really betrayed the Jedi, then the Jedi Temple will be among the first places to be attacked. 

Petro: We have to reach Coruscant! Katooni and the others might need our....

Hett: No, my Padawan. Coruscant is too dangerous. We must leave Boz Pity immediately! There should be a transport ship in the hanger bay. I'll activate the Droid Factory's self destruct sequence to mask our escape. We must be quick! More Clones will be here soon!

Petro: Understood, master!

Petro then rushed to the hanger bay while Hett activates the self destruct sequence. Petro's mind was flooded with fear and uncertainty. Not just for himself and his master, but for his friends. 

Petro: (Katooni....please be okay.....please....)

Petro soon reached the hanger bay where he saw an undamaged transport ship. Hett soon joined his Padawan and the two boarded the ship. They soon took off as the Droid Factory was destroyed. Petro attempts to contact any nearby Jedi through the Jedi Comms Channel.

Petro: Hello? This is Padawan Petro! Master A'Sharad Hett and I have been betrayed by our troops! Can anyone copy?

The comms were silent. Hett attempts to reach out through the Force, but he could not sense anything. 

Hett: I.....I sense nothing. The light....has gone out in the Galaxy.....

Petro: What? That....that can't be! There has to be survivors! The Clones couldn't have.....

Hett: I cannot feel the presence of the Jedi. It is as if the Force itself has gone silent. We...we are alone. 

As Hett said this, the weight of it all nearly overwhelmed Petro as his thoughts fell on his friends. 

Petro: can't be! They can't all be dead! It can't be.....

Hett: We are alone, my Padawan. We must regroup. We will survive this and we will avenge the Jedi. 

Petro: Where can we go? Is there anywhere that's safe?

Hett then took a moment to think of any place in the Galaxy that might be a safe haven for the two fugitive Jedi. One planet came to mind. 

Hett: Tatooine. My home. We will take refuge to the Tusken Raiders that my father once led. We will wait and prepare. 

Petro: Prepare for what, master?

Hett: For war. We will fight this great darkness and we will avenge our fallen brothers and sisters. We will fight against those who have laid us so low. This war is far from over, my Padawan. 

In that moment, Hett and Petro felt a great darkness hang over them as they prepare the jump to Hyperspace and journey to Tatooine to begin plotting their revenge.

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