Chapter XXI

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As Serra and Sha Koon led the Kybuck Clan back to the Moldy Crow, K'Kruhk and Katooni followed the Bad Batch through the corridors of Falleen's Fist. Soon enough, they reached the hallway that led to Xizor's office.

Hunter: All right Wrecker, raise some hell.

Wrecker cracked his knuckles with a smile on his face. He then rushed to the hallway. Immediately, blaster fire was heard.

Katooni: Is he okay?

Omega: Don't worry about Wrecker. He's really strong!

Hunter: This should make getting into Xizor's office much easier. Into the vents.

Hunter and everyone else soon got into the vents and began making their way to Xizor's office. Soon enough, they reached the office and exited the vents. As they did, they found the room empty.

Echo: Room's empty.

???: I wouldn't say that.

The Bad Batch along with K'Kruhk and Katooni soon found themselves surrounded by Xizor and his elite guard.

Xizor: I wasn't expecting mercenaries to visit. Tell me, who hired you.

Hunter: Not saying a word.

Xizor: Jedi, why must you complicate things?

K'Kruhk and Katooni said nothing, catching Xizor's full attention. He chuckled as he tossed them their Lightsabers.

Xizor: Guards. Deal with the mercenaries. Leave the Jedi to me.

The elite guards followed Xizor's orders and began attacking the Bad Batch. As Xizor was left alone with the Jedi, he pulled out a weapon similar to a double bladed Lightsaber.

Xizor: This weapon once belonged to a Dathomirian warrior called Savage Oppress. A pity he fell on Mandalore, but his Lightsaber makes for such an exquisite trophy.

K'Kruhk: There is more to a Jedi than just the Lightsaber.

Xizor: We shall see. 

Xizor then ignited Savage Oppress's Lightsaber and got into a combat stance. K'Kruhk ignited his green Lightsaber and got into an Djem So stance while Katooni ignited her blue Lightsaber and got into a Soresu stance. With that, Xizor engaged in a Lightsaber duel with K'Kruhk and Katooni. Despite not having any form of Jedi training, Xixor held his own against the two Jedi. 

Xizor: If you cannot afford to lose, you should not play the game.

Katooni then lunges at Xizor, but the Falleen easily reads the attack and parries it. He follows through by striking her in the face with the hilt of the Lightsaber. K'Kruhk soon jumps in an unleashes powerful attacks on Xizor. 

Xizor: Impressive, Jedi. Your skills with a Lightsaber is admirable. 

K'Kruhk: You will answer for your crimes. 

With that, Xizor dueled with K'Kruhk. Xizor proved to be a challenging fighter to K'Kruhk. Meanwhile, Katooni recovered from Xizor's attack. She then lunged at Xizor and joined her master. 

Xizor: You are both tenacious fighters, but you cannot win. There is no victory for you here. If you persist, I will be forced to kill you. 

Katooni: We would rather die than join the Empire!

Xizor: Then you leave me with no choice. I did not wish to do this, but you have left me no choice. I will make your end quick and painless.

Xizor then pushed on the attack against the two Jedi. Meanwhile, the Bad Batch held their own against Xizor's elite guards. 

Echo: These guys don't mess around!

Hunter: They won't stop us! Keep up the pressure boys!

Meanwhile, K'Kruhk and Katooni slowly gained the upper hand over Xizor. As Katooni went for an overhead strike, Xizor dodges the attack and kicks her to the ground. Xizor then focuses his efforts on K'Kruhk. The drawn out fight soon took it's toll on the Whiphid and Xizor proceeded to disarm him. 

Xizor: Make peace with the Force, Master Jedi. For I shall grant you the honor and mercy of a warrior's death. 

Xizor then prepared to make the killing blow, but before he could do so, he stopped mid swing. K'Kruhk looked to see a blue beam of light protruded from his chest. Xizor lets out a weak chuckle....

Xizor: Heh....such is life.....

Xizor then collapsed to the ground, revealing a shocked and distraught Katooni. She dropped her Lightsaber and fell to her knees. K'Kruhk then got up and rushed over to his Padawan. He could see that Katooni was hyperventilating and was in a state of shock. 

K'Kruhk: It's okay, Katooni. Breathe....breathe.....

Katooni took several deep breaths to calm herself down. 

Katooni: Master...I.....I.....

K'Kruhk: It's okay, Katooni. You did what you had to do....

K'Kruhk could see that killing Xizor had traumatized Katooni. He embraced his Padawan in a hug to try and comfort her. Meanwhile, the Bad Batch had taken out Xizor's elite guards. They soon saw Xizor's dead body on the floor.

Hunter: Target's been taken care of boys. Echo, you and Tech get on that terminal and shut down the tractor beam. 

Tech: On it!

Echo and Tech made their way to the terminal and shit down the tractor beam. Meanwhile, Katooni had regained her composure and made her way to Xizor's desk and found the box containing the Lightsabers of the other Jedi. As Katooni reclaimed the Lightsabers, Hunter approached them. 

Hunter: You two might want to get out of here. The boys and I planted explosives all over the skyhook. Once we conclude business here, you get the picture. 

Katooni: Thank you....

Omega: Katooni....I hope you and your friends find somewhere safe. 

Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch saluted the two Jedi as a nod to the past of the Clone Wars. With Xizor dead and the tractor beam disabled, K'Kruhk and Katooni could now escape the Falleen's Fist along with their fellow Jedi. 

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