Chapter XIII

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After departing from the planet, Ganodi began piloting the Moldy Crow which held K'Kruhk and the other Jedi. As Ganodi set the ship to autopilot, K'Kruhk gathered the Jedi to discuss their next plan. 

Katooni: What's the plan, Master K'Kruhk?

K'Kruhk: We will need to find refuge somewhere in the Outer Rim. 

Sha Koon: Are there any planets left that can be a sanctuary for us?

Katooni: What about Pantora? Maybe that could work.

Upon hearing this, K'Kruhk took a moment to reflect on Katooni's suggestion. The Whiphid Jedi Master then offered his thoughts. 

K'Kruhk: Pantora might be a viable option. Senator Chuchi has always been a friend of the Jedi Order. Perhaps she might be able to help us. 

As K'Kruhk voiced his support to his Padawan's plan, the rest of the Kybuck Clan soon voiced heir own opinions. 

Zatt: Can we really trust Senator Chuchi? How do we know she's not in league with the Empire? 

Gungi: <Do we have any other choice?>

Ganodi: Surely there has to be a planet somewhere in the Galaxy where we can hide out! 

Byph: <Where else can we go, Ganodi? Going to the Core Worlds won't be an option and there's plenty of planets here in the Outer Rim that's controlled by the Empire.> 

As the rest of the Kybuck Clan made their opinions known, K'Kruhk as well as Serra and Sha Koon began to reflect on the decision whether to hide out in Pantora. 

Sha Koon: Pantora is heavily populated. That could work against us. 

Serra: It's not like we have any other choice, Sha. Maybe we could lose ourselves in the population. 

K'Kruhk thought about all opinions about this. While hiding in Pantora could be risky, there was no other choice. 

K'Kruhk: There is no other choice. Pantora may be our only option. Ganodi. Set a course for Pantora. Let us hope Senator Chuchi will be of help to us. 

With that, Ganodi set the coordinates to Pantora. On the way there, they passed by the planet of Dromund Kaas where they saw a large skyhook.

Zatt: Whoa....look at the size of that skyhook!

As all eyes fell on the skyhook, K'Kruhk felt a sudden shift in the Force. Immediately, K'Kruhk sensed danger. 

K'Kruhk: Something's not right. Ganodi. Turn the ship around now before they spot us. 

Ganodi: Yes, Master K'Kruhk.

As Ganodi tried to turn the Moldy Crow around, it proved to be unsuccessful. Soon, the Moldy Crow began to shake violently as it was pulled towards the skyhook. 

Serra: I've got a bad feeling about this.

Gungi: <What's going on?!>

Ganodi: I....I can't turn the ship around! I think the ship's caught in a tractor beam! 

Soon enough, the Moldy Crow was pulled into the hanger of the skyhook. The situation became dire for the Jedi as they were in unfamiliar territory. Soon enough, a group of armed enforcers bearing the insignia of Black Sun entered the ship. 

Black Sun Enforcer: The Boss wants to see you. 

Left without a choice, K'Kruhk and the Jedi complied with the enforcer's orders and followed him to the command center where a Falleen man sat on a throne. 

Falleen: Greetings. I am Prince Xizor, leader of the Black Sun Syndicate. 

K'Kruhk: Why have you brought us here?

Xizor: When a lone starship approaches the Falleen's Fist, I become curious. Though since you've made no attempt to escape, you capture my interest. Might I ask what a group of interesting individuals is doing out here in the Outer Rim?

K'Kruhk: We are travelers. We were part of an exploration convoy, but we were besieged by pirates. We were forced to break away in order to find safety. 

Xizor took note of K'Kruhk's answer. He knew there was something off about them. He smiles as he takes a sip from a cup of Corellian wine. 

Xizor: So you chose to find refuge in Black Sun territory? What an odd choice for sanctuary.

Katooni: We didn't mean to trespass! We only meant to find safety. Let us go and we'll be on our way. 

Katooni hoped she could convince Xizor to let them go, but doing so proved difficult as Xizor proved to be clever. Xizor's attention soon fell on Katooni. K'Kruhk tried to negotiate a deal.

K'Kruhk: We do not have much credits, but I'm sure we can come to an agreement. 

K'Kruhk attempts to do a Mind Trick on Xizor, but it fails. Xizor immediately catches this subtle use of it. 

Xizor: Mind Tricks do not work on me.....Jedi. 

Upon hearing this, the Black Sun Enforcers immediately begin crowding around the Jedi, but Xizor stops them. 

Xizor: There is no need to violence. 

Xizor's calm demeanor did nothing to ease the anxiety within the Jedi in the room. K'Kruhk wanted to attack, but he didn't want to risk the lives of the other Jedi. 

Xizor: You all had my curiosity. But now you have my full and undivided attention. Might I ask what a group of Jedi are doing in the Outer Rim? Hiding from the Empire, I assume?

K'Kruhk: Let us go. We mean you no harm. 

Xizor: Do you think I'm blind, Jedi? I know that ship you're travelling in belonged to the pirate Hondo Ohnaka. In fact, it was from me that he...acquired that ship. Not only do I have my ship back, but I have a group of Jedi at my whim. There are a plethora of options that I have to do with you all. But for now, you will be my....guests for the time being. 

With that, K'Kruhk and the Jedi had become prisoners of Prince Xizor aboard the Falleen's Fist. They were now at his mercy. 

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