Chapter XII

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In the weeks that followed, Hett and Petro became guardians to Jak and his granddaughter Rylee on their farm in Lothal. Both former Jedi became farmers on Jak's farm to make ends meet. Petro became a surrogate older brother for Rylee. One day as Petro was playing with Rylee, Petro spots something in the distance. Immediately, a worried Petro turned to Rylee.

Petro: Rylee, go back to the farm. Stay there and don't come out.

Rylee ran inside the farm as Petro met up with Jak and Hett who was tending to the lifestock in the barn.

Petro: They're coming! Czerka sent some kind of attack force!

Jak: Is Rylee safe?

Petro: She's in the farm. I told her to stay inside.

Hett took a look outside and saw a large attack force armed with blasters getting ready to attack.

Hett: It seems they did not come here to negotiate.

Jak: I knew this day would come. Czerka is anything if not tenacious.

Jak then rushed to the locker in the barn and grabbed three hunting rifles. He then hands two of them to Hett and Petro. 

Jak: I won't allow Czerka's thugs to push me and my family out of our home! 

Hett: Come Petro. We will need to go to the rooftops so we can provide covering fire to Jak. We must defend this farm. 

With that, Hett and Petro took to the roofs while Jak confronted the men. As soon as Jak entered the open, the men began firing on Jak. Jak ducked behind cover as he fired on the Czerka Strike Team. Hett and Petro soon covered for Jak.

Czerka Soldier: We've been flanked! Open fire!

The Czerka Strike Team soon fired on Hett and Petro's position. Hett and Petro fired their shots and used the Force to guide their shots. Soon enough, reinforcements soon arrived. 

Petro: Reinforcements! 

Jak continued to make his stand, but is soon shot in the shoulder. After that, a group of Czerka soldiers moved in.

Petro: No!

Petro began firing on the Czerka soldiers while Hett continued firing on the main group. During the siege, one of the Czerka soldiers fired on the building Hett and Petro were positioned in with a rocket launcher. The resulting explosion knocked Hett and Petro off the roof. Meanwhile, Rylee ran to her grandfather. 

Rylee: Grandpa! 

As Rylee ran to her grandfather, the wounded Jak was approached by the Czerka Strike Team. The leader soon made himself known. 

Czerka Strike Team Leader: Jak Dalon. You shouldn't have ran your mouth, Jak. Czerka doesn't take too kindly to slander. 

Jak: what you want with me, but please, leave my granddaughter out of this. 

Czerka Strike Team Leader: Can't do that, Jak. I was given strict orders from the Board of Directors to.....quiet down troublemakers. 

Without hesitation, the Czerka Team fired on Jak and Rylee, killing them. Petro witnessed this atrocity and was overcome with anger and rage. 

Petro: No! 

Without thinking, Petro ignited his blue Lightsaber and lunged at the Czerka Strike Team.

Czerka Soldier: What the....Jedi! I thought the Empire wiped them out!

Czerka Strike Team Leader: Doesn't matter. Leave no survivors. 

As the Czerka Team fired on Petro, he deflected their shots with his Lightsaber while cutting them down. The Czerka Team stood no chance against Petro's speed. In their eyes, Petro was like a blue blur. Meanwhile, Hett recovered and saw his Padawan slaughtering the Czerka Team. He soon joined Petro in killing all the Czerka soldiers except for the leader, who Petro had severed his right arm. As he crawled away, He used the Force to grip him and began choking him. 

Hett: Why did you attack us?

Czerka Strike Team Leader: We were....we were here to silence the old man.

Upon hearing this, Petro's raged grew as he turned to the strike team leader. 

Petro: Who?! Who gave the order?!

Czerka Strike Team Leader: I....I won't tell you anything, Jedi! 

Petro was enraged by this. He raised his Lightsaber to kill him, but Hett stopped him. 

Hett: Restrain yourself, Petro. There are other ways to extract the information we need. 

As Hett said that, he extended his free hand towards the leader and began to invade his mind for information. It didn't take long for the pain to set in as the Czerka strike team leader screamed in pain. Neither Hett or Petro took pity on him. Soon enough, Hett got what he needed. 

Hett: The Czerka Board of Directors. 

Hett glanced over to the lifeless bodies of Jak and Rylee. In that moment, he felt the same anger that he felt about the treatment of the Tusken Raiders on Tatooine. Without saying a word, Hett clutched his fist and snapped the man's neck. Hett then released the man's body as he collapsed onto the floor. After this, Hett and Petro looked upon the bodies of Jak and Rylee. 

Petro: They didn't deserve this. 

Hett: We will bring them justice, my Padawan. The Czerka Board of Directors is here on Lothal. I have their location. 

Hett and Petro proceeded to bury both Jak and Rylee. Both Hett and Petro mourned the loss of people who have been nothing but kind to them. Sorrow soon turned to rage as Petro turned to his master. 

Petro: I'm ready, Master Hett. 

With that, Hett and Petro began the journey to the location of the Czerka Board of Directors to exact revenge.

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