Chapter XVIII

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At the cacacombs of the Trayus Academy, two deformed male Zabrak Sith proudly stand over the corpses of countless Sith. They were then approached by Hett and Petro. They snarled as they activated their Lightsabers. One was a crimson blade while the other was a yellow doubled bladed Lightsaber.

Hett: Darth Wroth. Darth Anarcis. You have been sentenced to death.

The two rogue Sith laughed as they snarled at them.

Darth Anarcis: I smell the putrid stench of the Jedi on you!

Petro: We are no Jedi.

Darth Wroth: Lord Anarcis, shall we teach these pups the meaning of pain?!

The two rogue Sith lords snarled as they began to corner the two fallen Jedi. Hett activated his two green Lightsabers while Petro activated his blue Lightsaber. The two Sith then attacked the two with a barrage of brutal attacks. Hett and Petro were able to block the attacks. After the initial attack, the Sith cornered them.

Darth Wroth: You have survived our first attack.

Petro: We've faced worse than you.

Darth Anarcis: Brave words from a Jedi pup. We have looked into your heart and found only weakness.

Hett: The time for talk has passed.

The two rogue Sith then engaged Hett and Petro in a fierce Lightsaber duel. Hett engaged Darth Wroth while Petro engaged Darth Anarcis. The two Jedi tapped into the Dark Side to enhance their power. As Petro duels Darth Anarchis, the Sith lands a slash over Petro's right eye, leaving a scar.

Darth Anarcis: This is but a taste of the pain you will feel.

Petro felt great anger swelling inside of him. Instead of pushing it aside, Petro embraced his anger and began attacking Darth Anarcis with vicious strikes. Meanwhile, Hett kept Darth Wroth at bay.

Darth Wroth: You have been led to your destruction.

Hett: Your madness has already condemned you to your fate. Death is your final fate.

Darth Wroth growled as he begins to unleash a flurry of powerful frenzied attacks. Despite this, Hett was able to block the attacks with ease. As the duel dragged on, neither side gave an inch. Hett and Petro aggressively attacked the two rogue Sith. Eventually, Hett and Petro fell back deeper into the catacombs. The two Sith laughed. 

Darth Anarcis: Look at them, Lord Wroth! They run from us like cowards!

Darth Wroth: Let us finish them off, Lord Anarcis!

Darth Anarcis and Darth Wroth chased them into the catacombs where the duel intensified. Soon enough, a standoff occurred between the two opposing forces.

Darth Wroth: You are both magnificent fighters, but your arrogance will be your doom!

Hett: You bring this doom upon yourselves. The Immortal Gods of the Sith have decreed us your destroyers and destroy you we shall. 

Darth Anarcis: We are the harbingers of doom. You cannot destroy us. 

Petro: We'll see about that. 

As Hett and Petro prepared their Lightsabers, the two Sith snarled and growled at the fallen Jedi while clutching their Lightsabers. 

Darth Wroth: You aren't worthy of the gifts of the Dark Side!

Darth Wroth roared as he and Darth Anarcis lunged at the two Jedi and began attacking them with speed and power. Despite this, Hett and Petro proved to be their equals. They countered their savagery with even greater savagery. Hett lunged at Darth Anarcis and began to cleave through his defenses. The deformed Sith tried to mount an offense, but Hett proved too powerful. Meanwhile, Petro isolated Darth Wroth and plunged his Lightsaber into his chest. 

Darth Wroth: No! 

Despite this, Darth Wroth Force Pushed Petro off of him and continued to attack. Petro then lunges at Darth Wroth and cuts him in half. Petro looks upon the corpse not with regret, but with satisfaction. Meanwhile, Hett continues to cleave through Darth Anarcis's defense. Eventually, Hett impaled Darth Anarcis with both his Lightsabers. The rogue Sith Lord howls in pain as Hett follows up by decapitating him. As the Sith Lord's body collapsed to the ground, Hett took Darth Anarcis's Lightsaber and meets with Petro. 

Petro: It is done, Master. The rogue Sith are dead.

Hett: This is only the beginning, my Padawan. These two will not be the last to fall by our blades. For us to achieve our vengeance, lives must be sacrificed. But in the slaughter of thousands, billions will be saved. 

Petro thought about Hett's words. They were in direct violation of the Jedi Code. Despite this, Petro found himself agreeing with those words. He embraced them despite knowing it was wrong. 

Hett: These two Sith became slaves to the Dark Side. They've allowed their blood lust to control them. We, however will control the Dark Side. We will use it to exact revenge on those who have laid us so low. We will have our revenge. 

Petro felt a deep anger in his heart. Hatred soon began to take hold. His desire for vengeance was matched only by his loyalty to his master. We have done what the Lost Tribe has asked up us. Now we will claim our place as leaders of the Tribe. And after that, we will begin our quest for revenge.

Petro: Yes, my master.

In that moment, Hett and Petro had taken the next steps to the path of the Dark Side. They would continue walking this path in the name of revenge against Palpatine and the Empire. But before they could do that, they had to take control of the Lost Tribe of the Sith.  

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