Chapter VIII

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After taking charge of the Tusken Raider Tribe, A'Sharad Hett began leading the Tusken Raiders in a war against the settlers of Tatooine as well as wage a private war against the Galactic Empire. Petro soon became his master's chief lieutenant in this war. Petro had his doubts about this, but he felt that the Tuskens deserved justice. For weeks, the Hett led the Tuskens to victory. One day, Hett and Petro were riding on a Bantha when they entered the boundaries of a small moisture farm. They were soon confronted by a hooded figure. Hett could see the Lightsaber hanging from his belt. The masked Hett turned to his tribesmen. 

Hett: <Tribesmen. Wait here.>

Petro: What about me, Master Hett?

Hett: Stay here, Petro. 

Petro obeyed his master's orders as he waited on the Bantha while Hett walked to the hooded man. It didn't take long for him to recognize the figure. The hooded figure removed his hood, revealing Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Hett: The Force be with you, Master Kenobi. 

Obi-Wan: Master Hett.

Hett: So, you too survived Order 66. I thought my Padawan and I were alone. What brings you to Tatoonie, let alone these trackless wastes?

Obi-Wan: You do, Master Hett. You lead these Tuskens as their warlord, not something a Jedi should do. 

Hett took note of Obi-Wan's words. He simply chuckled as he remembered the irony of the Jedi and the Clone Wars. 

Hett: Do not lecture me, Obi-Wan. We were both generals in the Clone Wars. "Warlords" for a Republic that turned on us! The Tuskens haven been hunted and killed by both settlers and farmers. Jedi defend those who need help. Sometimes you defend life by taking the life of the aggressor. 

Obi-Wan: Past mistakes do not justify current ones. The danger is in becoming what you fight. It was the trap that the Jedi fell into. It is the trap that takes both you and your Padawan now. It must stop. You must see that, A'Sharad Hett. 

Hett: I do not. I was raised to manhood amongst the Tuskens by my father, Sharad Hett, the greatest Jedi of his age. He taught me to think and act like a Tusken. These are my people! Will the settlers stop killing Tuskens? Then blood calls for blood! The settlers will be forced to abandon the land or be buried beneath it!

As Hett made his intentions known, Obi-Wan realized that the darkness had taken hold of him. Left with no choice, he ignited his blue Lightsaber. 

Obi-Wan: I cannot permit that. You were a great Jedi, Hett, the son of a great Jedi. But you have given yourself over to revenge. It stops here. 

Knowing Obi-Wan would not allow Hett's war to continue, Hett ignited his two green Lightsabers. 

Hett: You will have a Jedi Funeral, Master Kenobi. That I promise.

Hett and Obi-Wan then engaged in a heated Lightsaber duel. Petro couldn't believe what he was seeing. He remembered how Obi-Wan rescued him and the Kybuck Clan from pirates during the Clone Wars. Seeing his duel his master brought conflict within the Padawan. He simply watched along with the other Tuskens. As the duel went on, Hett and Obi-Wan exchanged blows with one another. Eventually, Obi-Wan gained the upper hand and sliced off Hett's right arm and Force Pushed him to the ground. He then tore off Hett's Tusken mask, revealing his face. As he did that, the Tuskens began turning away from Hett. 

Petro: Where are you going?! Your leader needs you! You cannot abandon him!

The Tuskens ignored Petro's calls as they wandered back to their camp on their Banthas. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan stood over the defeated Hett, who watched as the Tusken Raiders abandon him.

Hett: I am finished. You have disgraced me before my people. With one hand, I can no longer wield a Gaderffi. I am no an outcast among the Tuskens. I am a dead man. Finish it. Kill me. 

As Kenobi looked upon the defeated Hett, Petro lunged at Obi-Wan and attacked him with his blue Lightsaber. Despite Petro's age and speed, Obi-Wan quickly bested the boy and knocked him to the ground. 

Petro: Why?! Why did you attack my master?! We....we only wanted to help the Tuskens!

Obi-Wan looked upon Petro with a sad look in his eyes. Petro felt rage overcome him as he looked to his wounded master. Petro got ready to attack, but Hett halted him. 

Hett: Stand down, Petro. It's over.....

Petro: But master.....

Hett: It's over....

Obi-Wan: You can no longer stay on Tatooine. You must leave and give me your word, by your father's honor, to never return. Swear it.

Hett paused for a moment. He was no rendered an outcast to the Tuskens for his lost arm as well as his mask being torn from him, violating the Tusken culture by exposing the flesh. 

Hett: I so swear....

Obi-Wan: The Tuskens were once your people, but so were the Jedi. You have forgotten our ways. Perhaps, with meditation, you will remember them and yourself. 

Petro then helped Hett up and began walking him to the Bantha. Obi-Wan then speaks with Petro.

Obi-Wan: Padawan. Guide your master. He needs your guidance now more than ever. Remember the vows of the Jedi, young Padawan. 

Petro remained silent as he helped his wounded master onto the Bantha. As the Bantha left the boundaries of the moisture farm, Obi-Wan looks to their horizon.

Obi-Wan: May the Force be with you and your Padawan, A'Sharad Hett. 

Obi-Wan watched as the Bantha Hett and Petro were riding on vanished into the sunset. The Jedi Master hoped the the two Jedi would find their way back to the Light.

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