Chapter Nine

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Gilthunder stared at Keeva. There were different colored lighted orbs around her and a pale yellow glow around her body. Her eyes were still closed and body looked peaceful. Gilthunder looked closer at the orbs of light and realized they were tiny spirits. As he inched closer, the spirits froze and stared at him. Then they smiled at him and continued circling Keeva.

"What are you doing to her?" He asked them. They turned their attention back to him.

"We are healing her. She usually has the power to heal herself but this time she was so weak. That is why we are here." One of the spirits said.

"Yeah, when she is in dire need of healing, we come to her. We owe her a great debt as she saved us before she was imprisoned. We were all rounded up and brought to her by another Holy Knight. He told her of our healing power and said that we would be useful slaves. They imprisoned us without her knowledge and had been starving us until we complied to healing wounded soldiers. When she found out, she set us all free, apologized, and ensured we were healed and fed before leaving. She has a truly kind heart." Another spirit said.

"She went against another Holy Knight's orders?" Gilthunder asked. "Wasn't Sampson the Warden though?" He turned to the spirits as he asked this.

The spirits answered "yes, he was. She was the supporting Holy Knight. She released us against the Warden wishes. We do not know what happened afterwards as we all left. Our guess is that it did not go well, based on her state now."

The spirit turned it's attention back to Keeva. She was surrounded by the spirits and there was a glow all around her.

"She looks like an angel." Houser said, without thinking. Everyone turned to look at him. He realized what he said and his face quickly turned red again. "Er, I mean...because of the spirits and their glow..not because of anything else." Everyone giggled, except Dianne and Ban.

"Yes, you're right. She does look like an angel." Gilthunder replied and turned back to Keeva. Ban stood in the back and watched. He rolled his eyes at Houser's remark.

"She sounds like the most boring stick in the mud I've ever met." He said and then left the room. Gilthunder looked angry, but was too focused on his sister to leave.

Meliodas seen Gil's reaction and tried to calm the situation. "Ban is just not used to someone so selfless. It really throws him off and his response is to hate it. Go easy on him." He said and smiled.

Gilthunder eased his tension. "Regardless, he is not my priority." Gilthunder said. The spirits were starting to fade away. "Wait, spirits! Are you done? Is she healed?" Gilthunder asked.

Only one spirit stayed as all the others vanished. It floated closer to Gilthunder. "Yes, she is healed. However, she will always have the scars both physically and mentally. There are things we healed...that I'm sure she has not told anyone. She may never tell anyone. Remember that as you go through your journey and be sure to take care of her. She is a truly special person."

With that, the last spirit vanished. Silence came over the group as they thought about what the spirit said. Keeva continued to sleep through the whole event and did not move even after the spirits left.

"She looks the same to me." King said. Maybe they aren't as healing capable as they seemed. Everyone looked down, including Gilthunder.

Keeva suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.

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