Author's Note 2.0

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Oh my gosh, thanks everyone. This has been a trip.

When I first started Owen, I had no intention of it running away into a multiple book series that spanned years of the character's lives. But I'm glad it did. And I'm gonna miss these characters and their world.

You guys are awesome and I've had a blast interacting with you, reading your comments, watching some of you binge read. I do write for myself, for my own creative outlet but honestly you guys are what makes it worth it. You're why I keep trying to pull characters out of my head and put them onto paper, or well, my phone.

I do have something in the works for all those interested. But I'm going to take a break. One, because I need to write more on it because we all know how much I like these daily updates, and two, this journey has been draining. So if you want an update when I officially come back, follow me (if you don't already) but in the meantime I'm still around and definitely open to messages. Ya'll know I love to chat.

And if you're new to my stuff and want to check out some more things, here's a list:

1. Hearts, Scars & Horseshoes
1. I'm Still Breathing
2. You're The Reason
1. Surviving Cancer
2. Surviving Love
1. A Late Night Walk
1. Owen
2. Mina
3. Home
4. Safe
5. Drew
6. Okay
7. Vows

Damn that list is getting along.

Anyway, thank you guys so much and remember you are beautiful, you are important, you are loved and we need you here.

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