Chapter Sixteen

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Drayce and Lillia spent the day in their spot. Drayce had a great time. He noticed that at times Lillia seemed hesitant, like she didn't know what to think. He felt that way too. He guessed he had just gotten used to being antagonistic towards Lillia. Before they had always found something to disagree on.

He had just assumed that they were going to have an unhappy marriage. And he was going to have to deal with it. But now, he was starting to have hope for their relationship. He had no idea what the ultimate outcome would be, but for the moment, things were going well.

Around late afternoon they left. They needed to be back to the castle before the King and Queen noticed their absence. Their feet crunched in the dirt, as they make their way along the path.

"Well this was fun. We should definitely come back here." Lillia said glancing at him.

He smiled at her. "That would be fun except..."

"What?" Lillia asked

"See, I want to keep that place a secret, and we both know that you can't, even if your life depended on it."

Lillia scoffed. "So, I'm going to have to erase your memory with my Mystic powers." Drayce said dead serious.

She looked at him startled "You can do that?"

He looked at her solemnly. "I'm sorry it has to be this way."

She looked at him, he looked back. Then he busted up. She rolled her eyes "You're impossible Drayce!"

"I've been told." Drayce said laughing

After while Lillia asked "Shouldn't we back by now?"

Drayce didn't say anything looking around. Their surroundings looked the same in all directions. Lillia was still looking at him. They had been following a path that was difficult to see in the first place. It was harder to keep track in the areas where people rarely went. Drayce noticed that there were more Timak trees then there were when they were on their way to the lake.

They were lost.

"Are we lost?" Lillia asked.

"No, no, town should be just around the next bend." Drayce responded.

She looked skeptical but kept walking. They kept walking forever. Drayce's feet started hurting.

"Drayce! We're lost." Lillia exclaimed.

"Maybe." He said reluctantly. He wouldn't be too worried if he was by himself. He always found his way around eventually. But since he was with Lillia, she was probably going to start panicking.

"What are we going to do?" She said biting her lower lip. "It's getting dark!"

Drayce looked at the sky. Sure, enough it was dusk. They had already missed dinner no doubt. If the King and Queen hadn't noticed their absence before, they knew now.

"Well one good trait I acquired being in the army, is that I'm pretty good at knowing what direction I'm going." He reassured her.

"You better. Otherwise I'm never leaving the castle with you again." Lillia said

Drayce forced a laugh, "Well let's get going."

They continued on their way and about an hour later, Drayce saw some houses between the trees. They went over to the house and Drayce realized they were in the slums. They had gone five miles out of their way. He had been lying before. He was terrible with directions. It was dark, so hopefully there wouldn't be too many people around to see them.

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