Chapter Fifty

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“This is getting more than a little tiring Drayce.” Lillia said emphatically.

“That makes two of us.” Drayce said as he oversaw his bag being packed.

“I refuse to let you go alone.” Lillia said. “You’re not even fully recovered yet.”

“And my answer is no. You are not coming.” Drayce turning frustrated to look her in the face. “What if something happened to you or the baby? This is utter ridiculousness.”

“At least take Caelum.” Lillia resorted to begging.

“I haven’t told him yet.” Drayce said.

“What, why?” Lillia asked surprised. Drayce had received another correspondence from Zathrian that morning. They hadn’t gained too much more information, but he had learned that the Well of Tethoris was located around or in the small village of Albindor. They still had no idea what to expect once he got to the Well, other than Drayce would be the only one who would be able to find it.

“He was so happy this morning. He asked Ella permission to court her last night.” Drayce said with too much sobriety.

Lillia gasped in surprise. “That’s great news! You should be happy for them.” she said studying him. Was he frustrated about Caelum and Ella’s courtship? Or was it something else?

“I am. Which is why I haven’t told him yet.” Drayce said dropping into a chair.

“Drayce, didn’t you learn your lesson last time you didn’t tell Caelum what you were up to?” Lillia asked, more than a little frustrated with her husband.

“Of course, I did. But he doesn’t want me to go even more than you do. He’ll try to stop me.” Drayce said.

“And you think I can’t keep you from going on this fool’s errand?” Lillia asked putting her hands on her hips.

He looked at her and smirked. “I’d like to see you try.”

“I am trying.” Lillia exclaimed. “I may not be trained in combat, but I am your wife. Your pregnant wife for that matter. I should have some say.” She sat next to him. “What happens if you inadvertently get killed? You expect me to raise your heir on my own? You want your unborn child to never know a father?”

Her argument seemed to hit home. He looked down at his hands. He twisted his fingers around anxiously.

“You were amazing in the fight yesterday. You seemed to have good control over your powers. Why can’t you just keep learning like you have?” Lillia suggested.

“Zathrian is convinced this is the best way to channel my powers. If this is the best way to defeat Keir than I’ll take it. What’s worse for you? Raising a fatherless child alone, or the entire kingdom in ruin?”

“Your bag is ready, your Royal Highness.” Drayce’s valet said bowing.

“Thank you, Simon. You’re excused.” Drayce said absentmindedly. They sat in silence for several moments. Lillia felt the urge to strangle Drayce. She hadn’t felt that since before they were married.

“Please, if you must go, ask Caelum. He’ll come with you if he sees how determined you are.” Lillia begged.

“Ask me what?” Caelum asked stepping into the room. “Simon just told me you had a bag packed for yourself. Are you planning on going after that sword still?”

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