Chapter Fourty-Four

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Drayce barely dodged the knife. Keir didn’t even stumble. He spun and would’ve buried his knife in Drayce’s side if he hadn’t deflected it with his own knife.

Drayce felt like screaming in frustration. He was so sick and tired of knife fights. He missed his sword. Daggers were more convenient, but Drayce’s dagger skills didn’t compare to his sword skills.

Adrenaline pumped painfully in Drayce’s veins. He knew that even a nick from a blade like that would leave him incapacitated. Keir went in for another blow. Drayce kicked him in the gut. The Head Constable flew backwards into the cabinets. He gasped for air and groaned. Drayce’s only hope was to leave the Head Constable’s body indisposed. Drayce just hoped that would keep him from preventing them from getting the records. Obviously, he had stumbled on something important.

Keir went in for another blow that Drayce barely blocked him and jumped out of the way. He didn’t dare look anywhere else. Where in Non’s name was Caelum? Keir was intensely throwing blow after blow at him. He only had to graze Drayce. Drayce caught his wrist and pinned it to the wall of cabinets. Drayce grabbed his forearm and cracked his wrist. Drayce felt a degree of satisfaction when it immediately started to swell. Keir dropped the knife with a clatter.

Drayce landed Keir a facer, causing him to stumble backwards. Keir didn’t seem to know how to manage the pain. “What did you do to me!” He screamed.

“It’s called mortality.” Drayce said. He moved back in before Keir could regain composure. He swiftly picked up the poisoned knife and had him pinned up against the wall in a heartbeat. “Isn’t it so fun?” He mocked the blood and tears running down his face.

“You don’t know what you’re getting into.” Was all he was able to get out before Drayce plunged the poisoned dagger into his gut. Twisting for good measure. His otherworldly screams echoed off the walls of the cold record room.

Drayce let the body drop to the floor with a thump. Blood was left smeared and splattered across the record cabinets.

Caelum was next to him in a moment. “I got the records.” He said smiling. Drayce couldn’t manage one of his own. His forearms and front of his suit were doused in the constable’s poisoned blood.

“Are you okay?” Caelum asked. Drayce just nodded, looking down at the dead body of the Head Constable. He hadn’t deserved his fate.

“I haven’t thought about Donovan in a long time.” Caelum said, adjusting his stack of files.

“I figured that was the only way to retrieve the files and avoid you getting corrupted in the process.” Drayce said. Donovan had a been a man in their squad who had retreated like a coward during a skirmish with the Istheos. He had been thoroughly chewed out by his superiors before they found out he had gone and killed an Istheo officer. He’d gone for what was important. He’d single handedly ended the battle early.

They turned and saw the whole constabulary standing in the door to the records room. They had obviously heard the screaming. Drayce addressed the crowd. “Your Head Constable tried to assassinate me. Who’s his second?”

A man stepped forward and bowed. His chin held high, he looked Drayce in the face. “You are now the Head of the Central Constabulary.” Drayce said. “I’m looking through these files and I’ll bring them back.” With that Drayce and Caelum left.


Drayce poked his head through his bedchamber’s door. He had eaten alone, as he had been informed Lillia wasn’t feeling ill, and the King refused to leave his study and the Queen had retired early. He opened the door and slipped in. The lamps were out, and he saw her figure lying on the bed.

“Lilly?” He asked softly. “Valloma told me you weren’t feeling good.”

She lifted her head slightly and dropped it again. “Yes. But I am feeling better than I did earlier.”

“I’m sorry, dear.” He sat on the edge of the bed and started rubbing her back.

They were quiet for a moment until Lillia said. “Drayce would you mind getting me something to eat? I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

“Of course. What do you want?” Drayce asked. “They’re might be some left-over roast.”

“No.” Lillia said immediately and emphatically. Did she not like roast anymore? He thought that was one of her favorite dishes.

“Okay. What would you like then?” He asked looking at her slightly pale face.

She didn’t answer right away. “Chocolate is the only thing that sounds good.”

“Chocolate? Do you want anything healthier?” Drayce asked. She shook her head. “Chocolate it is then.” He said getting up.

He could’ve rung for a servant, but he decided to go get it himself. He had a lot going through his mind. He had looked through some of the reports over dinner. His suspicions had been confirmed. The Constabulary and the Physicians thought there was a new plague circulating. No one seemed to have connected the disappearances with the “plague” victims as they were left unrecognizable when they were found dead.

Drayce shuddered thinking back to the descriptions. Eyes like hallow sockets. Blood for tears. Skin turned ashy. In some cases, scars of strange symbols riddling the body. Drayce would bet Moon Glyphs.

In addition to the “plague” some people had been discovered completely disemboweled, blood everywhere. Their faces slashed as to not recognize them. There were no similarities to the victims, but there were too many cases of both to not be a coincidence.

Drayce would have to check if there were any pattern or similarities the victims. The “plague” victims had obviously been under Keir’s influence at some point. Why were they left dead, and in such bad shape?

Drayce thought back to Caelum and Zathrian. Both had been corrupted. Caelum had the blood from his eyes, and the moon glyph on his arm, but other than that had not been affected so heavily. As far as Drayce knew, Zathrian hadn’t had any of that. Did that have something to do with him being an Alchemist?

He slipped into the kitchen and saw Mrs. Anson, the cook, cleaning up.

“Good day, Mrs. Anson. I must say thank you for dinner today, even if I was the only one who ate.”

She bowed and nodded in acknowledgment. “I’m glad you enjoyed it your Royal Highness.” She eyed him. “How is your wife doing?”

“I think she’s doing a bit better. She requested some food as she hasn’t eaten all day.” Drayce said sitting in a chair.

“I can dish up some roast.” Cook offered.

Drayce shook his head. “I offered and she forcefully told me no. She said chocolate is the only thing that sounds good to her.”

“Chocolate?” Mrs. Anson seemed to think for a second. “Has she requested such a thing before?”

Drayce thought back. “Not that I can remember. I don’t think she ever has morning chocolate.”

A knowing look crossed Cook’s face as she moved to make some chocolate for Lillia. Drayce studied her confused. Yes, it was a slightly strange request, but she was sick. When you didn’t have an appetite, only certain things sounded good. Did she know something Drayce didn’t?

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