Chapter Sixty-Three

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Lillia hesitantly made her way down the tunnel, sporadic purple crystals lighting her way. She had no idea what to expect. She was still fighting down panic and tears. The idea that Drayce was dead was almost too much for her to process. Despite her best efforts at control she felt several tears slip. If she survived this and she was able to find him alive, she promised herself that she would forgive him for all the stupid things he’d done. She heard a sob escape her lips. Oh Drayce

It was her curse. She knew it was going to happen. She had fooled herself that Drayce was different. That he—that he would… No! She had to force those thoughts from her mind. She had to keep a strong resolve. Even if Drayce was dead, she could save Caelum. He didn’t deserve to die a slow torturous death because she couldn’t handle it.

Lillia took a deep breath. She had two hours. How much time had passed? Her best guess was a quarter of an hour. She had to hurry.

She unsheathed her knife. She didn’t need it immediately, but it felt comforting in her hand. It was the last thing Drayce had given her. She turned it in her hand, feeling the leather grip. She had never been particularly tenacious, true she had a stubborn streak, but so much of her life had been handed to her. Physically, her life had been a good one, all her needs and wants given to her. But emotionally, devastating. She was only eighteen. In those short eighteen years she had experienced death, darkness, misery, and almost constant rejection.

Drayce had been rude and annoying when they first met, but since then he had been loyal, kind and understanding. He had accepted her for who she was. She couldn’t have asked for a better husband. A husband who was now dead. He had loved his country and had been working hard to save it and the people in it. Even when that meant he would die. He wasn’t even king yet and he had already been a better leader than his uncle and those who preceded him.

Suddenly the entirety of his work was shoved on her shoulders and she couldn’t shirk the responsibility, or a lot of people would die. A lot of good people, who had done nothing but work hard to provide for their families, and were good neighbors.

In her heart, she found the motivation she needed to continue. She wiped furiously at her remaining tears. She sheathed her knife, smoothing her hair back, and tying it in place. What she did next was for Drayce. She would get the Sword and save Caelum. If she died, fine. She would rather be dead than be a pawn in Keir’s plans.

Another emotion surfaced. Anger. You could say she had a vendetta with Keir her entire life, only recently knowing where to place the blame. Keir had tried to stop them, tried to kill them several times, cursed her before she was born for Zavian’s sake! She was going to throw his thwarted plan back in his face. She didn’t know who was next in line for the throne, but Zavian help them do anything it took to decimate the Destroyer of Creation.

Suddenly Lillia felt something, making her heart jump, but she hadn’t felt it externally, but internally. A small kick. She almost broke down in tears again. Her creation. She remembered that she had more to live for than getting the Sword to Caelum. If she died, the baby died. It was still too young to survive if born early.

Creation. Keir was the destroyer of it. Humans were the creators. Was that what Keir had been convicted of? He continued to do what he had been punished for, destroy creation, the creators. Humankind.

Could it be that after he succeeded in destroying Kamasia, he was going to continue on to other kingdoms? Lillia caught her breath. She needed to succeed. As far as she knew, no one had realized this. Suddenly the necessity of her success down here in the Well of Tethoris became even more imperative.

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