22. The Night

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Jeongyeon's jaw dropped

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Jeongyeon's jaw dropped. 

The house in front of her was no less than a mansion in itself. With several cars standing out in the open, the house stood as a massive host, larger than life and humbled to invite. She never saw anything as magnificent as that in her entire life.

Staring at the huge palace-like house, she wondered why Yeri had invited her to her place. She wondered how she'd dare to spend an evening in a place like this. She knew she would drown in inferiority complex and mess things up. 

Feeling overwhelmed, she wouldn't have peeled her gaze from the figure if she wouldn't hear a sharp voice.

"Jeongyeon!" She lowered her gaze to see Chaeyoung walking to her, smiling. She was wearing a black shirt and black jeans and looked totally gothic. Jeongyeon smiled back at her.

"Didn't expect to see you this early," she sarcastically remarked. "How did you come?

A flash of past few hours passed by her mind, and she shook her head in disappointment. "Don't ask, man. It was a whirlwind of stupidity."

Chaeyoung laughed. "Should've known when it's you we're talking about."

"Anyways, let's go in."

"I can't wait."

It took two minutes, Jeongyeon counted, to walk to the porch from the gate entrance. They were about to step inside when Chaeyoung blocked her way.


"Two things. First, inside there may be something that you may like, and second, something that you may not."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. "I came into this world with that disclaimer. Don't worry about me, I'll take care of myself."

She shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat."

They entered the house, and Jeongyeon was overwhelmed by its interior. It looked like anything but a house which hosted a frat party by a college student.

The insides were furnished with royal items like chandeliers and flowers instead of bars of drinks and colourful dancing lights.

The people were elegant too, wearing white frocks and gloves. For a moment Jeongyeon was ready to turn back and return home. She looked behind her, wondering if she had taken the wrong road. But this was the exact address.

She had more questions and doubts, but they vanished the moment she saw Yeri walking up to her.

"Oh god, Jeongyeon, hi!" She threw her arms around her, and Jeongyeon returned the hug. "Thank you so much for coming."

"I had to, it's you we're talking about," she said with a smile.

After pulling away, Yeri whispered in her ear. "It stays like this till ten. After that, my aunt leaves, and then we can enjoy our night," she said with a wink.

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