1st date

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( y/n) pov

tonight was the first date with midoryia, you were nerouse and you knew he was nerouse. you had met midoryia downtown of the city. at a local park, you were worry that he might ghost you. or change his mind, you thought deeply. than you heard footsteps and running, than looked up, there was midoryia wearing green joggers and white shirt with a green jacket with the bright red shoes. he had flowers in his hand. " sorry...i was...late...i...went to get you flowers" he said quickly as he handed them to you. " sorry" he said nervously as you took the flowers and smell them. 

there was light scent, you smiled. " your forgiven " you said with a smiled and a giggle. than he smiled, " i got us a table at ( fancy restaurant ), " it was a brand new restaurant in town, but someway midoryia got you a table. you thought as you two walked over, it was a short walk once you got there. the sky started to set in the background. it was a beautiful set, with colors of orange and red, pink and even dark blue color .

 you thought as you two gotten a table, near a window, after ordering your meal, you two didn't even talk about school. midoryia wanted to know about everything about you. from your family to basic fact,  whats your favorite color . you loved every moment with midoryia and on your 1st date with him,  you guys lost track of time. that you were asked to leave after midoryia paying for the meal. after it was really late, midoryia didn't want you get trouble with your parents for being out to late. 

he walked you home, once you get to the steps, " i had a great time, i really loved spending time. time with you (y/n), i hope we do more with each other. good night (y/n)" he said as he left the steps than you spoke " we do this again, midoryia....be carefully...good night" last thing you said as you walked back in the house 

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