He Needs A Cuddle

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( y/n) pov

you just gotten home from your hero internship, you had just taken a shower and finished up drying your hair with a blow-dryer. when your phone rang, you saw midoryia picture  came up. you smiled, turn off your hair dryer. than pick up and answer it " hello, my hero" you said with a giggle, you heard the tone. of his voice, he was hurt and upset. " can you come over, to cuddle...i just ....need to hold you ...in my arms" he stutter. " okay, give me couple mins. are you okay midoryia?" you asked him over the phone.

" yeah..." than you spoke " okay, coming over " you said quickly before hanging up. than you quickly finished your hair. than put shorts and top on. than tennis shoes, you quickly headed to. the boys dorm building. than sneak outside of midoryia room. i saw the window, than you climb the side of the building. and climb into the window, there was midoryia. you could tell he was upset about something. " hey, are you okay midoryia" you said in worried tone, as you sat on his bed. 

he join you as well, " my hero internship happen today....me and miro was on the hero patrol, we were walking around. looking for trouble, than a girl bumped into me. she fell, than i helped her up. she was shaking in my arms there was a man. her father, just use excuse ...it didn't seem right. she ask me not let her go , i did it felt wrong. i can see her face still....sorry" he said, this was bothering him deeply as he was deep in thought. " you have to trust everything will work out, you will save her. " you told him, he nodded " cuddle with me (y/n)"  he asked softly as he lay down than you got top of him and began. to wrap your arms around his waist. you two began to cuddle, " her name is eri " he said right before he started to fall a sleep while cuddling you

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