you work out / train togther

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(y/n) pov

every moment that you and midoryia train and work out together, every morning before class and on the weekend as well. you thought as you met midoryia at the same spot. and the same time, first you two started spar, than one mile run than a water break before the push up's, crunches and squats. you two always supports each other and push each other, in a good way though, after doing all that. you two fight each other and midoryia is carefully not to hurt you to bad, it was all about pushing each other and helping each other growing as hero's. 

after finally finished sparing  with each other, than you use your quirk to created a solider was made of stone, that you and midoryia use your skills, fighting and powers. to destroyed it in the end, midoryia could just destroyed with one smash. you two learn that when you two started doing this,  he use's his lower power moves, you thought deeply as midoryia. gently threw you than you strike the stone solider, your knife went into the solider chest that cause to weaken him. than midoryia turn. than he use his lower power to attack the stone solider.

 it was destroyed in the moment, you were out of breath, " great team work" you said as you hugged him, midoryia spoke up " i been thinking, we should work on our team work moves ...i been talking to all might about it, " you were shocked at the moment, " of course , what are you thinking " you said 

excited  " all might was saying, once you imagine having a quirk and you have a quirk. like when you faught bakugou" you knew where midoryia was going " i know where your headed, it takes me years. for imagine and believe i have that skill. for example water bending. years since i was 13, copying your moves for example forever " explain than he nodded, " i totally understand, okay... all might was saying about a move with you, and ( dragon name )" than he explain the move, it seem safer and little bit easier as well. you agree to it, than you called for (dragon name ), came running " are you ready ?" you asked midoryia since the last time he went flying off, " yes, i trust you. like you promise me, you always catch me when i fall" you blushed bright red, " let's go, " you said as you climbed on, midoryia climbed on and held onto you, as ( dragon name) started to run than got some air.

 began to fly, until you were at the highest you wanted. than you straighten ( dragon name ) out. " perfect" you said before turning to midoryia. he left go of you, than you two stood up. he was nerouse, you put his hands on him. " relax, calm..." than he nodded, he was going  throw you with all his power " if anything goes wrong, (dragon name ) will go after me, trust me " than you lean into him than gave him soft kiss on the lips. " pick a number. count to it than just throw me " you told him, than you felt him grab you like he was going to throw, once he did it was with his energy. you were throw about 12 feet, you were practice the throw and stab, the attack move once you,stab

you started to fall quickly. you called for ( dragon name ) midoryia" great you thought, as you fall as you got closer to the ground. than you saw ( dargon name ) and midoryia calling your named and he had his hand out for you. you got closer to the ground and ( dargon name ) made a chocie, to dive faster and than tackle you than wrapped the wings around you. boom, you felt softly hitting the ground,  soon after you heard midoryia cry and called your name. " (y/n), please be okay " he cry and he lift the wing, " hi" you said, " thank god, (y/n)" he hugged you and kiss you, "  no more training for today" he cry as he held you in his arms " shhh,  i am alright. it's okay" you comfort midoryia, he was scared that he almost lost you just during traning session.

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