he asks you to be his girlfriend

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( y/n) pov

it was after class, you went to the dorm hanging out area to study and talk to your friends, than you were talking to (y/bff). when midoryia, walked over and came over, to the sofa. " can i talk to you ?" he asked you, nodded and follow him to his dorm, you had gotten worried about midoryia. see that you and midoryia been seeing each other for 3 months now. you thought. as midoryia sitting next you on his bed. he put his hand on your hand, before speaking " we been seeing each other, for while now. 

i love it !!!! i really like you, i know you really - really like me. what i am trying to ask ...is are we boyfriend and girlfriend ...i feel like we are-" he began to mumble, you cut him off, " yes we are, i am your girlfriend and your my boyfriend " midoryia caught off guard, than he realized what you had just said, than he smiled at you before blushing bright red. " yes, your my boyfriend, i am your girlfriend" you said once more, than you two lean closer to each other than you two kiss each other sweetly and kindly, this was your first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend. 

midoriya izuku boyfriend scenarios ( midoriya x reader )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu