he gives you his jacket

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(y/n) pov

you and midoryia, were on a mission, scouting in the deep woods while looking for this villain hide out than head back to the others. and report back, it was night you walked carefully with midoryia behind. you it was a beautiful night, with the full moon in the sky above you along with the stars. it was fall, there was the warmish - coolish air as well you thought as you hid behind a bush, watch a guard. walk though the deep woods. midoryia was right behind you, your heart was racing inside case you were found out. 

luckily the guard didn't see, you waited until he was far up enough, that you and midoryia could see him but he could not see. you, but you could see him. as he walked, you and midoryia carefully follow him, until the man walked down a mine area. or thought it was just a mine. it was a hide out, there was 25 guards, you saw as you were taking pictures. as you did, i gotten cold. for a moment, than you felt someone jacket on your shoulder. it was midoryia, you blushed a light pink color as you took pictures. right before leaving and headed back, as you did midoryia spoke " can't have my (y/n) getting cold " midoryia told you as you headed back to the others 

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