He watches you sleep

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midoryia pov

i had woken up, in a slight pain, thanks to fighting stain than i rember i was in (y/n) dorm room, she was fast sleep on me and she had. her arms wrap around my waist, i heard her breathing, i saw her hands wrapped up. not like my hands and arms, she is so beautiful i thought in the moment. as i study her sleeping face, sometimes i could not believe that she was in my life and this was my life. from being a loser, no quirk and heaving impossible. dream, than all-might walked in my life and i got my quirk. than she walked in life, (y/n) has the same dream. as me, she beautiful, amazing and strong, bad ass as well. i thought to myself, as i felt her head turn, she kept sleeping. i saw the moonlight peaking though the window i thought as i study her room, i kept thinking about that fight with stain. he was about to kill her if i didn't get their in time, what would i do without her i felt my brain started to shut out the dark thoughts as i pay attention to her sleeping face. i started to relax than i fall a sleep while thinking about (y/n).

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