chapter 2

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Auh its beautiful out! Finally no rain! Spring time is here in this part of Mississippi. It has always been my favorite part of the year. I had a trip planned soon to go see my aunt in Louisiana it had been way to long. I'm Julie, a girl from the muddy banks of this beautiful state from the dirty south. My home from the day I was born. I hadn't had time to travel since I was working two job to pay for rent bills and a car that always broke down on me. I wish I had a gator to bite my tired so I could push it off a cliff and be rid of it. Anyways, I'm 20, just in search of a dream to make a better life . Maybe see something beside swamps .

Ah I forgot to schedule my flight to see Kim. It was the same time I had planned to see my aunt. Hell maybe I can make something work. She sent me pics of herself on her new place. I was happy for her too. She earned it . New York was one place I could get lost in and be happy I yearned for the big city life. She offered to take me in and experience the high life for even a short bit. I refused, I didn't wanna make her feel like she had to take care of me. One day I said I would take her to Paris. The one place both of wanted to experience. The city of love, lights and good food. Speaking of which I'm hungry.

A couple days pass and I'm packed and read to drive to the big easy for a family weekend, no work just relaxation and seeing the place they call the French quarter. I heard stories and couldn't wait to just feel it in my bones. Hour later, I pull up to get gas and oh my the attendant is quite cute and has that southern drawl. Fell for that every time. Snacks are a must! And I'm off! Finally and only half a day till I make it to paradise. Big easy here I come !

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